Owner`s manual

op e r a t I o n
1) Disconnect the trailer lights from
the towing vehicle.
2) Back the trailer down the ramp as
close to 90° to the shoreline as you
can. If possible, have a second
person act as an observer while
standing to the side of the boat.
Stop when the tops of the trailer’s
fenders are about 3 inches above
the waterline.
3) With the boat moving at the slow-
est idle speed, guide the boat
onto the support rails. Use throttle
only if necessary for steering abil-
ity. WARNING! Using too much
throttle can cause the boat to
jump over the front of the trailer
which can result in injury to the
boat operator and bystanders.
4) Make sure the boat is centered on
the support rails and is headed
straight for the bow stop (bumper
board). Ease the boat forward until
the bow rests against the bow stop.
NOTICE: The winch line is not
designed to pull the boat onto
the trailer.
5) Attach and tighten the winch line.
NOTICE: The winch line should
not be the only line securing the
bow during trailering. Use the
chain along with the winch to
secure the boat to the trailer.
6) Pull the trailer up the ramp out of
the way of other boaters. Attach the
bow and stern tie-downs. Recon-
nect the trailer lights.
7) FollowthePost-OperationChecks
on page 3-25.