User Manual

PSR-S950/S750 Reference Manual 107
MIDI Transmit Settings
The explanations here apply to the TRANSMIT page in step 4 on page 104. This determines which parts will
be sent as MIDI data and over which MIDI channel the data will be sent.
1 Use the [A]/[B] buttons or [1 ]/[2 ] buttons to select the part for changing
transmit settings.
The Parts listed on this display are the same as those shown in the MIXING CONSOLE display and
CHANNEL ON/OFF display with the exception of the two parts below.
A keyboard part played on the right side of the keyboard from the Split Point for the Voices (RIGHT 1
and/or 2).
A keyboard part played on the left side of the keyboard from the Split Point for the Voices. This is not
affected by the on/off status of the [ACMP] button.
2 Use the [3 ] buttons to select a channel via which the selected part will be
NOTE If the same transmit channel is assigned to several different parts, the transmitted MIDI messages are merged to a single channel—resulting in unex-
pected sounds and possible glitches in the connected MIDI device.
NOTE Protected Songs cannot be transmitted even if the proper Song channels 1–16 are set to be transmitted.
3 Use the [4 ]–[8 ] button to determine the types of data to be sent.
The following MIDI messages can be set on the TRANSMIT/RECEIVE display.
NOTE (Note events) 66
CC (Control Change) 66
PC (Program Change) 66
PB (Pitch Bend) 66
AT (Aftertouch) 66
1 2 3
The dots corresponding to each channel
(1–16) flash briefly whenever any data is
transmitted on the channel(s).