User Manual

Quick Guide Editing a Program
Editing a Voice
Owner’s Manual
Editing a Voice by using the Control sliders
The four sliders at the top left of the instrument are not only for tweaking the sound while you perform—you can also
use them to edit a Voice, either in the Voice Play mode or the Voice Edit mode.
When the [PAN/SEND] indicator is turned on:
When the [TONE] indicator is turned on:
n The settings above are applied as offsets to the AEG and FEG settings in the Voice Edit mode.
When the [ARP FX] indicator is turned on:
When the [EQ] indicator is turned on:
n The settings above are applied as offsets to the EQ settings in the [VOICE] [UTILITY] [F3] VOICE [SF1] MEQ display.
When both the [PAN/SEND] and [TONE] indicators are turned on (by pressing them simultaneously):
n In addition to above functions, Master Effect related parameters (set in the [UTILITY] [F3] VOICE [SF2] MEF display) can be assigned to
these four sliders by pressing the [ARP FX] and [EQ] buttons simultaneously. The particular parameters assigned to the four sliders can be
set in the [UTILITY] [F4] CTL ASN [SF5] MEF display.
When the [VOLUME] indicator is turned on:
n When selection a Drum Voice, adjusts the entire level of Voice.
PAN Determines the stereo pan position of the Voice. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
page 129
REVERB Determines the amount of Reverb effect that is applied to the Voice. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
[F2] OUTPUT RevSend
page 129
CHORUS Determines the amount of Chorus effect that is applied to the Voice. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
[F2] OUTPUT ChoSend
page 129
Determines the tempo of the Arpeggio assigned to the currently selected
[VOICE] Voice selection [F6] ARP Tempo page 128
CUTOFF Raises or lowers the Filter cutoff frequency to adjust the tone brilliance. [VOICE] Voice selection [F5] EG CUTOF page 128
RESONANCE Boosts or attenuates the level at the area around the Filter cutoff
[VOICE] Voice selection [F5] EG RESO page 128
ATTACK Determines the attack time of the sound. For example, you can adjust a
strings Voice so that the sound gradually swells in volume by setting a
slow attack time—simply move the slider upwards.
[VOICE] Voice selection [F5] EG ATK (AEG) page 128
RELEASE Determines the release time of the sound. Moving the slider upwards
sets a long release time and (depending on the selected Voice) lets the
sound sustain after the key is released. To produce a sharp release, in
which the sound abruptly cuts off, set a short release time.
[VOICE] Voice selection [F5] EG REL (AEG) page 128
SWING Adjusts the swing feel of the Arpeggio playback. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
[F3] ARP [SF3] PLAY FX Swing
page 130
GATE TIME Adjusts the Gate Time (length) of the Arpeggio notes. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
[F3] ARP [SF3] PLAY FX GateTimeRate
page 131
VELOCITY Adjusts the velocity of the Arpeggio notes. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
[F3] ARP [SF3] PLAY FX VelocityRate
page 130
Adjusts the Arpeggio playback time based on tempo. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
[F3] ARP [SF3] PLAY FX UnitMultiply
page 130
LO Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the low
frequency band of the Master EQ.
[VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
page 129
LO MID Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the low-
midrange frequency band of the Master EQ.
[VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
page 129
HI MID Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the high-
midrange frequency band of the Master EQ.
[VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
page 129
HI Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the high
frequency band of the Master EQ.
[VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
page 129
ASSIGN A Adjusts parameters assigned to these sliders in the [UTILITY] [F4] CTL ASN [SF2] ASSIGN display. page 165
ASSIGN 1 Adjusts parameters assigned to these sliders in the [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON] [F4] CTL SET display. page 131
EL 1 - 4
(Element 1 - 4)
Adjusts the level balance among the Elements. [VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT] Element selection
[F4] AMP [SF1] LVL/PAN Level
page 137