User Manual

CVP-601 Owner’s Manual
An existing file is not shown on the display. The file extension (.MID, etc.) may have been changed or deleted.
Manually rename the file, adding the appropriate extension, on a
Data files with names of more than 50 characters cannot be handled by
the instrument. Rename the file, reducing the number of characters to 50
or less.
The Voice selected from the Voice Selection
display does not sound.
heck whether or not the selected part is turned on (page 40). If
press the appropriate PART ON/OFF button to turn the part on.
A strange “flanging” or “doubling” sound
occurs or the sound is slightly different each
time the keys are played.
The RIGHT 1 and RIGHT 2 parts are set to “ON,” and both parts are set to
play the same Voice. Turn off the RIGHT 2 part or change the Voice of one
of the parts.
Some Voices will jump an octave in pitch
when played in the upper or lower registers.
This is normal. Some voices have a pitch limit which, when reached,
causes this type of pitch shift.
The Style does not start even when the
[START/STOP] button is pressed.
The Rhythm channel of the selected Style may not contain any data. Turn
the [ACMP ON/OFF] button on and play within the left-hand section on the
keyboard to sound the accompaniment part of the Style.
Only the rhythm channel plays. Make sure the Auto Accompaniment function is turned on; press the
[ACMP ON/OFF] button.
You may be playing keys in the right hand range of the keyboard. Make
sure to play keys in the chord range of the keyboard.
Styles in a USB storage device cannot be
If the size of the Style data is large (about 120 KB or greater), the Style
cannot be selected because the data is too large to be handled by the
Songs cannot be selected. This may be because the language settings have been changed. Set the
appropriate language for the Song file name (page 18).
If the size of the Song data is large (about 300 KB or greater), the Song
cannot be selected because the data is too large to be handled by the
Song playback does not start. The Song has been stopped at the end of the Song data. Return to the
beginning of the Song by pressing the SONG [STOP] button.
In the case of a Song to which write-protect has been applied (“Prot. 2
Edit” is shown at the upper left of the Song name), the original file may not
be in the same folder. It cannot be played back unless the original file
(showing “Prot.2 Orig” at the upper left of the Song name) is in the same
In the case of a Song to which write-protect has been applied (“Prot. 2
Edit” is shown at the upper left of the Song name), the original file name
may have been changed. Rename the file with the original file name (so
that “Prot.2 Orig” is shown at the upper left of the Song name).
In the case of a Song to which write-protect has been applied (“Prot. 2
Edit” is shown at the upper left of the Song name), the file icon may have
been changed. Songs to which write-protect has been applied cannot be
played back when the file icon of the original has been changed.
Song playback stops before the Song is
The Guide function is turned on. (In this case, playback is “waiting” for the
correct key to be played.) Press the [GUIDE] button to turn off the guide