User Manual

CVP-601 Owner’s Manual
Starting Up
The display that appears when the power is turned on is the Main display. The Main
display shows the current basic settings such as the currently selected Voice and Style,
allowing you to see them at a single glance. The Main display is the one youll usually see
when you play the keyboard.
1 Voice name
Displays the Voice names currently selected for RIGHT 1, RIGHT 2 and LEFT parts
(page 37). Pressing one of the [A] – [B] and [F] – [I] buttons calls up the Voice
Selection display for each part.
2 Style name and related information
Displays the currently selected Style name, time signature and tempo. Pressing one of
the [1] – [4] buttons calls up the Style Selection display (page 48).
3 Current chord name
When the [ACMP ON/OFF] button is set to on, the chord specified in the chord
section of the keyboard will be displayed. When the Song containing the chord data
is played, the current chord name will be displayed.
4 Song name and related information
Displays the currently selected Song name, time signature and tempo. Pressing one of
the [5] – [8] buttons calls up the Song Selection display (page 58).
5 Registration Memory Bank name
Displays the currently selected Registration Memory Bank name. Pressing the [J]
button calls up the Registration Memory Bank Selection display (page 84).
6 Volume Balance
Displays the volume balance among the parts. Press the [C] button calls up the
volume balance display. Adjust the volume balance among the parts by using the
[1] – [7] buttons.
7 Tr anspose
Displays the amount of transposition in semitone units (page 42).
Displays the current position (tempo/bar/beat) in Style playback or Song playback.
Main Display Configuration