User Manual

CVP-601 Owner’s Manual
Performing Piano Songs on the Clavinova
The metronome provides a click sound, giving you an accurate tempo guide when you
practice, or letting you hear and check how a specific tempo sounds. Press the
[METRONOME ON/OFF] button to start/stop the metronome.
Adjusting the Metronome Tempo
1 Press the TEMPO [-]/[+] button to call up the pop-up tempo setting
2 Use the TEMPO [-]/[+] buttons to set the tempo.
Pressing and holding either button lets you continuously increase or decrease the
value. You can also use the [DATA ENTRY] dial to adjust the value. To reset the
tempo, press the TEMPO [-]/[+] buttons simultaneously.
3 Press the [EXIT] button to close the Tempo display.
Using the Metronome