User manual

20 | nord lead a1 User ManUal v1.3x
Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO/ENV)
The Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) produces a
waveform that can be used to create cyclic modula-
tions to the oscillators and filter. The Nord Lead
A1 LFO can also be set to an envelope mode. The
amount of modulation is set with the LFO amount
knobs in the oscillator and filter sections. The LFO
can be synchronized to the Master Clock.
M The LFO in the Nord Lead A1 is monophonic.
The Rate knob sets the frequency of the LFO.
Range: 0.03 to 523 Hz.
LFO Master Clock (Mst Clk)
Enable Mst Clk (Shift + Rate/Time knob) to synchronize the LFO to the
Master Clock. The Rate knob will be used to control the time division.
Division Description
4b, 2b, 1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, 64
The straight divisions range from 4 bars to 1/64 notes.
4bt, 2bt, 1t, 2t, 4t,
8t, 16t, 32t
The t indicates the triplet divisions, from 4 bars to 1/32
LFO Waveform Selector
Waveform Description
Used for abrupt modulation changes, suitable for trills,
distinct tremolos, etc.
Used for linear ramp type modulations.
Inverted Sawtooth
Inverted linear ramp.
Suitable for natural vibrato effects, also good for classic pulse
width modulation.
Stepped Random
Recreates a stepped random modulation.
The cyclic behavior of the LFO can be changed to behave as an enve-
lope. Press Shift + LFO waveform selector to enable this feature. The
Time control will depend on the selected waveform.
M When the LFO is used as an envelope, it is polyphonic.
Waveform Description
A gated envelope, the Time control sets the gate-time.
Decaying envelope, the Time control sets the decay time.
Attack envelope, the Time control sets the attack time.
A/D envelope, the Time control sets the envelope duration.
S/H random values that are generated for each key. The
Rate/Time knob sets a time lag from one value to the next.
LFO Modulation Polarities
The modulation of the LFO is unipolar, with a few exceptions. Pitch and
PW modulations with triangle and S&H waveforms are bipolar.
Modulation Envelope
The polyphonic Modulation Envelope is a ADR/ASR
envelope that can be used to modulate the
oscillators and/or the filter in the Nord Lead A1.
Attack is the time it takes for the modulation envelope to reach the
maximum modulation level. This envelope phase begins when you
press a key. Range: 0.45 ms to 45 s.
The Decay
begins after the
attack phase is
completed. It is
the time it takes
for the modula-
tion envelope to
drop back down
to zero again.
If Decay is
turned fully clockwise, the decay will be infinite, acting as a sustain
level. Range: 3.0 ms to 45 s, Sustain.
The Release phase of the envelope begins after you have released the
key. This setting determines how long it should take for the envelope to
drop to zero after the key is released. The release phase may start
anywhere during the envelope’s other phases, it will begin as soon as a
key is released as shown in this illustration. Range: 3.0 ms to 45 s.
decay (time) release (time)
key down
key up
attack (time)
sustain release (time)
key down
key up
attack (time)
release (time)
key down
key up
attack (time)