User manual

24 | nord lead a1 User ManUal v1.3x
The Filter is one of the most impor-
tant components to create the overall
timbre of the sound. The harmonic
content that the oscillators produce
can be shaped with the filter and the
filter frequency can be modulated with
several functions. The Nord Lead A1
features a selection of traditional syn-
thesizer low pass, band pass and high
pass filters and two unique emulations
of filters from two vintage synthesizers,
the Low pass M and the Low pass TB.
M The two vintage filters are not just
an emulation of their characters, we have modeled the resonance,
the internal distortion and the envelope characteristics of the
original units as well.
The six filters share the filter parameters: Freq controls the cutoff
frequency, Resonance controls the filter resonance. Drive adds some
overdrive distortion inside the actual filter and the Modulation Envelope
Amount allows you to control how much the filter would be shaped by
the Modulation Envelope.
Filter Frequency (Freq)
Filter Frequency is used for setting the cutoff frequency point - where in
the frequency range the filter begins to attenuate frequencies. Range:
14 Hz - 35 kHz.
The Image illus-
trates three different
Filter Frequency
settings using a
low pass filter. The
area to the right
of the sloping line
represents the part
of the sound that is
filtered out.
Filter Resonance
Filter Resonance is used to emphasize frequencies around the Filter
Frequency. If you are using a low pass filter, increasing resonance will
emphasize frequencies around the set Filter Frequency and de-empha-
size the rest of the frequency spectrum.
Further raising the Filter Resonance will make the sound resonant to a
point where the filter adds a ringing quality to the sound. Some of the
filters will even start to oscillate at high resonance settings.
LFO Amount
LFO Amt controls the amount of filter frequency modulation from the
Modulation Envelope Amount
Mod Env Amt controls the amount of filter frequency modulation from
the Modulation Envelope.
Keyboard Tracking (KB Track)
Keyboard Track-
ing allows the filter
frequency to track the
pitch of the keyboard.
This is related to basic
acoustics; if you raise
the pitch of a wave-
form, the amplitude
of the high harmonics
will also increase. If the
filter cutoff frequency is
nontracking, the sound
will be perceived as
getting less bright the
higher up the key-
board you play.
•With KB Track off,
the Filter Frequency
cutoff is not con-
trolled from the note you play.
•With KB Track at the 1/3 setting, the cutoff frequency will track the
keyboard in a 1:3 relationship, play one octave higher and the cutoff
frequency will move by 1/3 of an octave.
•With KB Track at the 2/3 setting, the cutoff frequency will track the
keyboard in a 2:3 relationship, play one octave higher and the cutoff
frequency will move by 2/3 of an octave.
• With KB Track at the maximum setting of 1, the cutoff frequency will
track the keyboard in a 1:1 relationship.
Drive adds a distortion after the filter with a range
that spans from gentle to quite rude. The Drive On
LED will be lit when Drive is enabled.
Try the drive with high filter resonance settings.
Filter Type
Select one of the six available filter types.
LP 12, 24
A low pass
filter attenuates
frequencies above
the filter frequency
setting. The num-
ber indicates the
slope, how steep
the filter would
become above the
filter frequency. A
24 dB/octave filter
has a steeper slope than a 12 dB/octave.
Low Pass M is a emulation of an original transistor filter from the
famous Mini. This ground breaking and much loved filter design was
created and patented in the 1960’s by Dr Robert A. Moog.
The Low Pass M is a four pole, 24 dB/octave, resonating low pass fil-
ter. The resonance on the Low Pass M is one detail that makes it stand
out, leaving more of the low end of the signal than on a traditional 24
dB/octave low pass filter. We have not only analyzed the frequency
characteristics and the resonance, but the internal distortion and the
envelope response (for both filter and amp envelopes) as well.
filter frequency
1:1 Tracking
2/3 Tracking
Filter Frequency
12 dB/Oct
24 dB/Oct