User manual

Chapter 7 panel referenCe | 25
Low Pass TB is an emulation of the diode ladder filter from the vintage
Roland TB-303 from 1982. This is a four pole, 24 dB/octave design
but it does not sound anything like the similarly spec’d LP M. The Low
Pass TB has a nice, quirky character to it and will not go into self oscil-
lation like the other low pass filters, when resonance is turned up high.
Another important feature in this filter is that a set resonance level will
drop quite a bit if the filter frequency is lowered.
A band pass filter lets
frequencies at the
filter frequency pass,
while frequencies
above and below the
filter frequency will be
attenuated. The Lead
A1 band pass filter
has a 12 dB/octave
slope on each side of
the filter frequency.
A high pass filter filter
will attenuate frequen-
cies below the filter
frequency, frequencies
above the cutoff will
not be affected. The
slope of the high pass
filter is 24 dB/Oct.
The Nord Lead A1 has a collection of great effects
that can add anything from very subtle to quite
drastic changes to the sound. The Rate/Amount
knob controls rate or amount depending on the
effect used. Turn the knob to "Off" and the effect
will be bypassed.
The flanger effect is produced by mixing two identi-
cal signals together, one signal delayed by a small
and gradually changing amount, usually shorter
than 20 milliseconds. The delayed signal is also fed back into the signal
path. This produces a swept comb filter effect, with a nice swoosh-
ing sound. The flanger in the Nord Lead A1 is modeled after a vintage
MXR™ unit.
The phaser effect is created by splitting the audio signal into two paths.
One path passes through a filter that alters the phase. The amount of
change in phase depends on the frequency. When the signals from the
two paths are mixed together, frequencies that are out of phase will
cancel each other out, creating the phaser’s characteristic notches.
The phaser in the Nord Lead A1 is modeled after a vintage MuTron™
Ring Modulation is an effect that multiplies an audio signal with another.
In this case the audio signal from the filter/amplifier will be multiplied
with a sine wave. The frequency of this sine wave is controlled by the
Rate/Amt knob. At low settings you get a tremolo effect, higher settings
will produce some quite drastic harmonic spectra.
A Chorus is achieved by taking an audio signal and mixing it with one
or more delayed, pitch-modulated copies of itself. The pitch of the
added copies are modulated by an LFO. This makes the chorus effect
similar to that of a flanger, except that it is created with longer delay
times, giving it a more gentle sound. The output of the Chorus in the
Nord Lead A1 is in stereo.
The Nord Lead A1 Ensemble effect is modeled after a vintage Eminent
organ effect. The very characteristic sound comes from feeding the
audio into three separate, modulated delay lines, that are cross-con-
nected with each other. The output of the Ensemble in the Nord Lead
A1 is in stereo.
The Drive amplifies the audio signal until it distorts in the same fashion
as an overdriven tube style amplifier. This creates that typical asymmet-
ric soft clipping with the warm-sounding, even-order harmonics that
sounds so nice on almost any sound.
Mutate Sound
Mutate Sound will create an automatic edit of the current, focused
sound. For a more detailed description of the Mutator, please look at
page 15.
The Delay can add anything from
short, slapback echoes to long, loop
type repeats. Since the delay can be
synchronized to the Master Clock,
it can be a creative component in
rhythmic sounds, together with the
arpeggio and the LFO.
The Delay has 4 feedback levels, a
Dry/Wet control and adjustable tempo.
The Delay tempo can be set manually
or synchronized to the Master Clock
and the repeats can be alternating
between the left and right output.
The Delay features an optional analog
mode that behaves like an "old school" delay when changing the delay
tempo on the fly.
The Tempo knob sets the time interval between the repeats. If the
Delay is synchronized to the Master Clock tempo, Tempo will set the
divisions. Range: 20 ms to 1500 ms.
Division Description
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 The straight divisions range from half notes to 64ths.
4d, 8d, 16d The dotted divisions will add an additional half of the
note value. 4d equals one 1/4 and a 1/8th etc...
2t, 4t. 8t, 16t, 32t The t indicates the triplet divisions.
4s, 8s, 16s, The s indicates the swing divisions.
M Divisions are ordered according to their perceived tempo. This is
why the “4d” will be before of “2t”, “4s” is before of “4”, and “4t” is
after “4” etc..
Filter Frequency
12 dB/Oct 12 dB/Oct
Filter Frequency
24 dB/Oct