User manual

| 3
1 Introduction
The Lead For Speed ..................5
2 models - keyboard and tabletop ......5
2 Overview
The Panel ..........................6
Oscillator, Filter & Amp Env ...........6
Effects and Output..................6
Voice Mode .......................6
Pitch Stick ........................6
Mod Wheel .......................6
Arpeggiator .......................6
Program and Performance ...........6
Morph ...........................6
Editing ............................7
Buttons ...........................7
On/Off buttons ....................7
Selector buttons ...................7
Shift button .......................7
Master Clock (Mst Clk) ..............7
Knobs & dials.......................7
Knobs ...........................7
Knobs with Shift features ............7
Dials ............................7
Master Level ......................7
Rear Panel .........................8
Audio Connections....................8
Headphones ......................8
1, 2, 3 & 4 Outputs..................8
General guide on audio connections ....8
MIDI Connections ....................8
MIDI OUT .........................8
MIDI IN...........................8
USB Connection .....................8
USB MIDI .........................8
Pedal Connections....................8
Sustain pedal......................8
Control pedal ......................8
3 Getting Started
Slots ............................9
Selecting a Program ................9
Editing a Program ..................9
Storing a Program ..................9
Layering Programs..................9
Soloing a Slot......................9
Multi Focus .......................9
Creating a Split ................... 10
Setting the Split point............... 10
Working with Performances.......... 10
Selecting Performances............. 10
Editing a Performance .............. 10
Storing a Performance.............. 10
Storing Programs as a Performance ... 10
Setting up a Morph ................ 10
4 Slots and Memory
General Overview ................... 11
Slot Handling ..................... 11
Split . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Solo ............................ 11
Multi Focus ...................... 11
Program Handling .................12
Programs ........................ 12
Performances .................... 12
Performance Mode ................ 12
Loading .........................12
Storing .......................... 12
Copying Slots to a Performance ...... 12
Copying a Performance to Program ... 12
5 Morph
Morphing ......................... 13
The Morphs ....................... 13
Wheel/Control Pedal ............... 13
Velocity ......................... 13
Assign a Morph source to a parameter . 13
Morph parameters ................. 13
Editing Morphs .................... 14
Morph Programming Latch ............ 14
6 Mutator, Randomize & Like
Mutator .......................... 15
Executing the Mutation ............. 15
Randomize ........................ 15
Mutate Morph...................... 15
Like ............................. 16
Program Likes .................... 16
Performance Likes................. 16
Select a Like to Store .............. 16
7 Panel Reference
Master Level ...................... 17
MIDI LED ........................ 17
Morph ........................... 17
Program/Value Dial ................. 17
LED Display ...................... 17
Performance Mode/Execute ............ 17
Store ........................... 17
Copy/Monitor ...................... 17
Paste ........................... 17
Slot A - D ........................ 18
Deactivate a Slot .................. 18
Panel Focus ...................... 18
Multi Focus ...................... 18
Soloing a Slot..................... 18
Incoming MIDI .................... 18
System - MIDI - Sound ............. 18
Master Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Octave Shift ....................... 18
Keyboard Octave Shift.............. 18
Split ............................18
Setting the Split point............... 18
Hold ............................18
Hold Enable ...................... 18
Shift/Exit ......................... 18
Pitch Stick ........................ 18
Modulation Wheel ................. 19
Arpeggiator ....................... 19
Arpeggio Run..................... 19
Arpeggio Rate .................... 19
Arpeggio Mst Clk.................. 19
Arpeggio Range................... 19
Arpeggio Directions ................ 19
Panic ...........................19
Voice Mode ....................... 19
Unison .......................... 19
Mono .......................... 19
Legato .......................... 19
Glide ........................... 19
Multi Focus ......................19
Bend Range ..................... 19
Vibrato .......................... 19
Init Sound .......................19
Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO/ENV) .....20
Rate/Time .......................20
LFO Master Clock (Mst Clk) .........20
LFO Waveform Selector.............20
Envelope ........................20
LFO Modulation Polarities ...........20
Modulation Envelope ................20
Attack ..........................20
Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Release .........................20
Inverted Envelope ................. 21
Env Vel ..........................21
Oscillators ........................ 21
Panel Analog Waveforms ...........21
Extended Analog Waveforms......... 21
Fixed Pulse Waveforms ............. 21
Drawbar Organ Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bells and Tines ................... 21
Formants ........................22
Oscillator Configuration ...............22
Single Oscillator Configurations .......22
Pitch ...........................22
Shape ..........................22
Sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Dual Oscillator Configurations ........22
Detune .........................22
Sine, Tri, Saw and Pulse Mix .........23
Modulation Configurations...........23
FM (Frequency Modulation) ..........23
AM (Amplitude Modulation) ..........23
Amp Envelope .....................23
Attack ..........................23
Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Release .........................23
Env Vel ..........................23
Filter ............................ 24
Filter Frequency (Freq) .............. 24
Filter Resonance ..................24
LFO Amount ..................... 24
Modulation Envelope Amount ........ 24
Keyboard Tracking (KB Track) ........ 24
Drive ...........................24
Filter Type ....................... 24
Nord Lead A1 User Manual