User manual

G - Global MIDI Channel
The Global MIDI Channel transmits all keyboard, pedal and panel ac-
tions. It can also be used as a receiving channel.
Range: 1 - 16, Off (default = 1).
A, B, B, D - Slot MIDI Channel
Set individual MIDI Channels for the Slots when they should respond to
MIDI events on certain incoming MIDI Channels.
Range: 1 - 16, Off (default A = off, B =off C = off, D = off).
t - Soft Thru MIDI Channel
Incoming MIDI note on/off data that is received at either the 5-pin or
the USB MIDI on the Soft Thru Channel, will be re-routed to the 5-pin
MIDI OUT connector.
Range: 1 - 16, Off (default = 10).
1 - Local Control
Local disables or enables the connection between the keyboard and
panel and the actual Lead A1 synthesizer. Local On is the default
setting. Local Off is useful when a external sequencer is used and the
keyboard and panel is only used to transmit MIDI, which the sequencer
then routes back to the synthesizer.
Range: On (default), Off
M Local defaults back to On every time the Nord Lead A1 is pow-
ered on.
2 - Control Change (CC) Mode
Control Change Mode specifies how the front panel’s knobs and but-
tons are handled in the MIDI communication with MIDI Control Change
messages. The options are either send or receive, or both, or if these
messages should be ignored.
Range: Sr (send & receive - default), r (receive only), S (send only),
3 - Program Change Mode
Program Change Mode specifies how the Nord Lead A1 handles MIDI
Program Change messages.
Range: Sr (send & receive - default), r (receive only), S (send only),
4 - Pitch Bend Mode
Pitch Bend Mode specifies how the Nord Lead A1 handles the Pitch
Bend stick and incoming pitch bend MIDI messages.
Range: Sr (send & receive - default), r (receive only), S (send only),
5 - Send CC
Dump all Program parameters of the currently focused Program as
MIDI Control Change messages. Press Execute to begin the transmis-
6 - Dump One
Dump One makes a MIDI System Exclusive transmission of all the
parameters of the currently active Program or Performance. Press
Execute to begin the transmission.
7 - Dump Program Bank
Dump Program Bank makes a MIDI System Exclusive transmission of
all the parameters, for all of the 99 Programs or Performances in the
current Bank. Press Execute to begin the transmission.
In the MIDI chapter on page 33, there is a description on how the
Nord Lead A1 receives a Sys Ex dump.
Sound Menu
1 - Mst Clk Kbd Sync
Master Clock Keyboard Sync On will reset the Master Clock when a
key is played. The Soft option is a more gentle approach, depending
on when in the beat, the key is played.
Range: Off, SF (Soft, default), On.
2 - Delay Mode
Delay Mode Analog will change the pitch on sounding repeats, when
the Tempo is adjusted with the Delay Tempo knob. When set to Nor-
mal, the pitch will not change.
Range: nO (Normal), An (Analog = default).
3 - Vibrato Rate
The rate of the Vibrato.
Range: 4.00 - 8.00 Hz (default = 6 Hz).
4 - Vibrato Amount
The amount of the Vibrato when the delayed vibrato modes are used.
Range: 0 - 50 cent (default = 12 cent).
Chapter 10 the MeNUs | 31