User manual

4 | Nord Lead a1 User MaNUaL v1.3x
LP 12, 24 ........................ 24
LP M ........................... 24
LP TB...........................25
BP ............................. 25
HP .............................25
FX ..............................25
Phaser ..........................25
Ensemble........................ 25
Drive ...........................25
Mutate Sound ....................25
Delay ...........................25
Tempo ..........................25
Tap Tempo .......................26
Mst Clk .........................26
Ping Pong .......................26
Sound Menu Delay Mode ...........26
On/Off ..........................26
Randomize Sound .................26
Output ...........................26
Level ...........................26
Pan ............................26
Reverb ...........................26
Dry/Wet .........................26
Reverb Select ....................26
On/Off ..........................26
Like ............................26
Note Trig (Nord Lead A1R) ............26
8 Master Clock
Master Clock.......................27
External Sync.....................27
Arpeggio with Mst Clk................ 27
Synced Delay repeats .............. 28
Sync the LFO .....................28
Across the Slots...................28
Sound Menu Kbd Sync .............28
9 Nord Sound Manager
System requirements...............29
10 The Menus
System Menu ......................30
1 - Memory Protect ................30
2 - Transpose.....................30
3 - Fine Tune .....................30
4 - Sustain Pedal Polarity............30
5 - Wheel Mode ...................30
6 - Ctrl Pedal Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7 - Ctrl Pedal Type .................30
8 - Ctrl Pedal Gain .................30
9 - Mutator Protect ................30
A B C D - Slot Output Routing ........30
MIDI Menu ........................ 31
G - Global MIDI Channel ............31
A, B, B, D - Slot MIDI Channel ........ 31
t - Soft Thru MIDI Channel ...........31
1 - Local Control .................. 31
2 - Control Change (CC) Mode ....... 31
3 - Program Change Mode .......... 31
4 - Pitch Bend Mode ............... 31
5 - Send CC ..................... 31
6 - Dump One .................... 31
7 - Dump Program Bank ............ 31
Sound Menu ...................... 31
1 - Mst Clk Kbd Sync............... 31
2 - Delay Mode ................... 31
3 - Vibrato Rate ................... 31
4 - Vibrato Amount................. 31
Nord Lead A1 MIDI operation ...........32
MIDI Settings .....................32
Global MIDI Channel ...............32
Slot MIDI Channels ................32
Sequencing: Global MIDI Channel .......32
Recording parameter changes .......32
Sequencing: Slot MIDI Channels ........32
Control Slots with another keyboard .....33
Message types .....................33
Program Changes and Bank Select....33
Control Change messages ..........33
Pedal Control Change ..............33
Pan CC .........................33
MIDI Local .......................33
MIDI Thru ........................33
MIDI Clock .......................33
USB MIDI ........................33
Panic ...........................33
MIDI Dumps .......................33
Transmit settings ..................33
Receive Programs or Banks .........33
MIDI Controller list ..................34
MIDI Implementation Chart ..........35
12 Appendix
Speciļ¬cations ......................36
Display Messages ...................37
13 Index
Index ............................38