User manual

Chapter 3 GettinG Started | 9
The Nord Lead A1 has four
Slots labelled A, B, C and
D. Each slot represents a
complete synthesizer setup,
a program. Slots can be used for layering sounds or quickly switch
between programs.
Selecting a Program
1 Press the Perf Mode button
so that the Perf Mode LED
is not lit. You are now in
(single) Program mode, the
Slot LEDs will be red.
2 Press Slot A, its LED should be the only Slot LED lit.
If not, deselect the other Slots by holding A while pressing the
other Slot buttons.
3 Play on the keyboard and listen to the sound. Turn the Program
Dial when you want to select a different program.
Editing a Program
Editing a program is just as easy as turning a knob or pressing a but-
1 Select the Slot to be edited.
2 Play on the keyboard, listen and change the sound parameters.
Editing will not destroy the original program. To retrieve the original
program, just turn the Program Dial first one step back and then one
step forward. To keep changes you have made, you have to store the
program in the memory.
When you have changed
any setting in a program,
a dot (.) will appear in the
display to the right of the
program number. This is
to alert you of the fact that
the program have been
changed but not yet stored.
Storing a Program
If you are happy with an edit that you have made, you should probably
store the program. Before you can do this for the first time, there is a
Memory Protect function that is set to On when the Lead A1 leaves
the factory. This needs to be turned Off in the System Menu before you
(and your cat) can store anything.
1 Hold Shift and press the System button. Turn the Program Dial to
select the first setting - “1.ON”.
2 Hold Shift and turn the Program Dial to select “1.OF”, exit the
Menu by pressing Exit.
With the protection turned off, we can now store our edited program.
3 Hold Shift and press Store.
The display starts flashing.
4 If you want to overwrite the original program number, just press
Shift + Store a second time.
To Store to another program number, select a new location with
the Program Dial and then press Shift + Store a second time. Your
edited program has now replaced the previous one in the location
you specified.
To cancel the store procedure, press any buttons on the panel.
When searching for a new program location, there is a pre-lis-
tening feature that can prevent you from overwriting your favorite
Layering Programs
1 Press and hold the Slot A button and then press the Slot B
button. Both the Slot A and B LEDs are lit and both programs will
be active on the keyboard.
If you have a
layer, it is the
focused Slot
with its LED
blinking that
will be edited.
The blinking
Slot LED
indicates the
Slot in focus.
2 Press the other Slot button to move the focus to the other Slot.
3 Hold Slot A and press again on Slot B. This will deactivate Slot B.
Soloing a Slot
Since a performance may be using up to 4 different programs at once,
there is a Solo function available, to be able to listen to only one Slot.
Double-tap on an active Slot button in a multi-slot selection to solo this
Slot. Press on any of the Slot buttons to exit.
Multi Focus
All parameters can be changed on all active Slots in a layer at the same
time. This is called Multi Focus and is activated by holding Shift and
pressing the Multi Focus button. All the active Slot LEDs will start to
flash, and all Slots will then respond to any parameter changes you
make on the panel. Press Multi Focus again to exit.
Getting Started