Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 PLAY Mode
Chapter 4
AllPgm(wp) Saves all usable programs, together with all samples used by
these programs, to the destination volume on disk. Does not save
any sequences. Saves only those samples that are used with at
least one program (does not save unused samples).
This operation erases all data already existing in the destination
disk volume.
Edited Saves all new data to disk (all new and all edited objects that
have not yet been saved to disk in their current form). Does not
save objects that have not been changed since the most recent
disk load.
AllSmp Saves all samples into the destination volume.
Pgm Saves the currently selected program only, together with all sam-
ples used by that program.
Note that you can save the program into any “program number”
(001 to 128) on the destination side. Note also that the operation
deletes any program data already existing in the target program
number on the disk side (in the destination volume).
Knob 3 Destination Type = Dsk, Vol, Pgm
Use this knob together with Knob 4 or 5 to select the destination for the save.
Dsk Use this to view or change the destination-disk setting. When
you select Dsk, the identity of the currently selected disk appears
above Knobs 4 and 5. If necessary, you can then turn either of
those knobs to change the destination disk.
Vol Use this to view or change the volume setting. When you select
Vol, the name of the currently selected volume appears above
Knobs 4 and 5. If necessary, you can then turn either of those
knobs to change the destination volume.
Pgm If you are saving a single program, you use this setting to view
or change the destination program number (001 to 128). When
you select Pgm, the currently selected destination number ap-
pears above Knobs 4 and 5. If necessary, you can then turn ei-
ther of those knobs to change the number.
Note that the Pgm setting is available only when you are saving
a single program (only when the Type value above Knob 2 is set
to Pgm).
As an example, suppose that you want to save the currently selected program into Pro-
gram Number 005 on Volume “B” in Disk “A”. First select the disk: Turn Knob 3 to
select Dsk, then turn Knob 4 or 5 to select A. Next, select the volume: Turn Knob 3 again
to select Vol, then turn Knob 4 or 5 to select B. Finally, turn Knob 3 to select Pgm, and
turn Knob 4 or 5 to select 005.
Knobs 4, 5
Use either knob to select the destination disk, volume, or program number.