Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 PLAY Mode
CONTROL Function
Supplementary Explanation
Assume that you have set up the following two programs.
Program 001: This program makes use of Sample A. Sample A, in turn, is set
up so that operation of the modulation wheel (Controller 001)
causes changes in the sample’s pitch. Sample A is set to play out
in response to MIDI performance data received over MIDI Re-
ceive Channel 1.
Program 002: This program uses Sample B, which is set so that the modula-
tion wheel controls the sample’s filter modulation. Again, the
sample is set to receive its playback instructions from MIDI
Receive Channel 1.
Now assume that you are playing Program 001, and you have turned the modulation
wheel all the way up to produce a large pitch change in Sample A. Finally, assume that
you now switch to Program 002, using either the A3000 panel or a program-change
message from your MIDI keyboard. The behavior of Sample B when you first switch into
Program 002 depends on whether or not the controller value is reset.
If CtlReset = “off” for Program 002, Channel 1:
The modulation wheel’s control-change value remains in effect; the sample begins play-
back with a strong filter modulation. (Note: the modulation-wheel value affects the
filter, not the pitch.) To reduce the filter modulation, you must move the modulation
wheel back down.
If CtlReset = “on” for Program 002, Channel 1:
The modulation wheel’s applied control-change value becomes 0; the sample begins
playback with no filter modulation. If you move the modulation wheel even slightly,
however, the control-change value immediately changes to match the wheel’s true posi-