Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 EDIT Mode
TRIM/LOOP Function
Knob 2 Length = unlock, lock
This option lets you lock in the waveform’s play length (the distance between the wave
start and wave end addresses) and loop length (the distance between the loop-start and
loop-end addresses).
You enable this option by setting it to lock. If you do this, any change you make to any of
these addresses will generate an equal change in the corresponding address — so that
you can shift the playback or loop position along the waveform while maintaining con-
stant playback length and loop length.
You will want to use this feature, for example, when you need to keep the playback or
loop length at some fixed value for timing purposes.
Start Address
Waveform Play Length
(This length is locked. Changing either address causes
an equal change in the opposing address.)
Loop Start Address Loop End Address
End Address
Loop Length
(This length is also locked.)
Knob 3 Zero = off, on
This “automatic zeroing” option is another convenient feature for address editing. If
you enable this option, any address change you make will be forced to the nearest zero-
point — the address will jump from zero point to zero point as you turn the editing
knob. If you disable this option, then you can change addresses continuously over the
entire waveform.
You can move the address to
any location on the waveform
If Zero = off:
Address always jumps to nearest
zero-point on the waveform.
If Zero = on:
Setting an address on a non-zero point may cause the sample to “click” during playback.
Forcing the address to a zero-point will ensure that you avoid this unwanted click.