Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 EDIT Mode
Chapter 5
MIDI/CTRL Function
Knob 2 ReceiveCh = 1,...,16, Bch MIDI IN
Turn the knob to select the MIDI channel that drives the sample’s playback. Set the
value to 1 to 16 to select the corresponding channel. Select Bch if you want to use the
channel selected by the BasicCh parameter in the UTILITY | MIDI Receive page
Push the knob if you want to set the channel from an external MIDI device. The knob
indicator begins blinking, indicating that the A3000 is ready to receive MIDI input.
Now transmit any note to the A3000 over the appropriate channel; the A3000 detects
the channel and displays the value over the knob. Lock in the setting in by pressing
the knob again or by changing to a different page.
Knob 4 AlternateGroup = off, 1,...,16
Turn the knob to select the “alternate group” for the sample. The A3000 supports 16
alternate groups. Set the value off if you do not want to place the sample into any of
these groups. (If you set the value to anything other than off, you will not be able to play
more than one note from this sample at any given time.)
Explanation: You use alternate groups to prevent simultaneous play of samples that do
not go well together. Only one note from the group can be in play at any given time;
playing any note from any sample in the group automatically switches off any other
note already playing from that group.
As an example, in general you would not want to play a “high-hat close” sound while a
“high-hat open” sound is still audible. To prevent accidental overlap of these two sounds,
you would place your “high-hat-open” sample and your “high-hat-close” sample into
the same alternate group. If you then play the “close” sample while the “open” sample is
still sounding, the A3000 immediately switches off the “open” sample and starts playing
the “close” sample.