Owner's Manual

Chapter 6 RECORDING Mode
Chapter 6
SETUP Function
For DIGITAL and OPTICAL inputs, the A3000 supports the following three clock
frequencies only: 48kHz, 44.1kHz, and 32kHz. The A3000 can not accept input fre-
quencies other than these. Note also that the A3000 does not filter out return noise
when reducing the frequency to ext/2, ext/4, or ext/8. Also note that if you reduce
the frequency, the quality that you hear when monitoring the signal may not match
the recording quality.
Note that you can not use the DIGITAL OUT connector (on the AIEB1 expansion
board) to monitor the input signal. Note also that A3000’s DIGITAL OUT frequency is
fixed at 44.1kHz.
Knob 5 Pretrig = 0ms,...,500ms
Use this feature to add a “pretrigger” period to the recording, so that actual recording
starts at a specified interval ahead of the start trigger. While in standby, the A3000 re-
tains memory of recent input. When the A3000 receives the start trigger, it moves the
start point back so as to include the pretrigger interval into the recording.
As an example, assume you want to record a sudden explosive sound from a tape cas-
sette, and that you are using a manual trigger to do this (you push the >START knob
when you hear the sound start). Since the sound comes up so suddenly, you will always
push the knob too late. If you set the pretrigger to a 500ms, however, then you can wait
1/2 second after the sound has started before pushing the >START knob.
The pretrigger is especially helpful when you are using a signal-level trigger (when
StartBy = SrcIn; 234), since it allows you to capture the attack portion of the target
sound. If you set the level to 30 and the pretrigger to 0ms, you will miss any attack
qualities as the level builds from 1 to 29. If you set the pretrigger to 300ms, however,
you will be able to capture 0.3 second of attack.
Original Sound
Start trigger is here
Sample produced when pretrigger = 0ms.
Sample produced when pretrigger = 300ms.
300ms (0.3sec.)