Owner's Manual

Effect parameter list
Effect parameter list
This section explains the meaning of each parameter in each effect.
The tables give the parameter number, the range of settings (or selections), and the explanation.
1 Input Level 0~127 Scratch depth
2 Initial Delay 0.1~460.0ms Delay time
3 Scratch Speed 1~127 Scratch modulation frequency
4 Scratch Depth 0~127 Scratch modulation depth
5 Auto Pan Speed 0.00Hz~39.7Hz Autopan frequency
6 Auto Pan Depth 0~127 Autopan depth
7 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz Frequency at which the EQ will boost/cut the mid range
8 EQ Mid Gain -12~+12dB Gain by which the EQ will boost/cut the mid range
9 EQ Mid Width 1.0~12.0 Width of the mid range area boosted/cut by the EQ
10 HPF Frequency Thru~8.0kHz Frequency at which the high pass filter will cut the low range
11 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Balance between dry sound and effect sound
2: AutoSyn (AUTO SYNTH)
1 Mod Speed 0~127 Modulation speed
2 Mod Wave Type typeA, typeB, typeC, typeD Modulation type
3 Mod Depth 0~127 Modulation depth
4 Mod Depth Ofst R -64~+63 R ch offset relative to modulation depth
5 LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~Thru Frequency at which the low pass filter will cut the high range
6 HPF Frequency Thru~8.0kHz Frequency at which the high pass filter will cut the low range
7 Dry Mix Level 0~127 Add dry sound before the delay input
8 Delay Time 0.1~370.0ms Delay time
9 Delay Time Ofst R -884~0 Delay time offset for the R ch offset
10 Feedback Level -63~+63 Feedback amount
11 FB Level Ofst R -63~+63 Feedback offset for the R ch
12 Delay Level 0~127 Delay level
13 AM Speed 0~127 Modulation frequency
14 AM Wave tri, sine, saw up, saw down Select modulation waveform
15 AM Depth 0~127 Amplitude modulation depth
16 AM Inverse R “normal, inverse” Left/right phase reversal of the amplitude modulation signal
1 Mod Speed 0~127 Modulation speed
2 Mod Depth 0~127 Modulation depth
3 Pre Mod HPF Freq Thru~8.0kHz Frequency at which the high pass filter will cut the low range
4 Mod Gain -12~+12dB Gain of the modulation signal
5 Mod LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~Thru Frequency at which the low pass filter will cut the high range
6 Mod LPF Resonance 1.0~12.0 Resonance of the low pass filter
7 Mod Mix Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Balance between the effect sound and the dry sound before the delay input
8 Delay Time 0.1~740.0ms Delay time
9 Delay Time Ofst R -884~0 Delay time offset for the R ch
10 Feedback Level -64~+63 Feedback amount
11 FB Level Ofst R -64~+63 Feedback offset for the R ch
12 Feedback Hi Damp 0.1~1.0 Adjust the high range attenuation (lower values will cause the high range to decay
13 FB Hi Damp Ofst R -0.9~+0.9 High Damp offset for the R ch
14 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Balance between the dry sound and effect sound