Owner's Manual

Sound Check
Chapter 1 Setting Up
Chapter 1
The SmpSel (sample select) page should now appear. (The name SmpSel is displayed
at the lower left of the screen.)
If the screen is showing a different page, turn Knob 1 until SmpSel appears.
Turn Knob 4 one click to the right, so that the ToPgm setting changes to on.
At power-on, the A3000 automatically generates several basic samples. In this example,
we will play the sine wave sample.
Play some keys on your MIDI keyboard.
The A3000 should produce a “sine wave” sound when you play the keys. If you hear this
sound, the check is successful and you can proceed to Step 9.
If you do not hear any sound, try pressing the [AUDITION] key on the front panel. If
this produces sound, then there is a problem with your MIDI connection or settings.
If the [AUDITION] key also fails to generate sound, then the problem is with your
speaker or amplifier connection. In either case, you should now switch off the power
to all devices, check the connections and settings, and then try again. (Be sure to
switch devices on and off in the correct order, as described in the previous two Proce-
Turn the volume at your speakers (or amplifiers) to minimum level.
Turn the MASTER VOL dial all the way to the left (minimum setting).
Switch off power to all devices, in the correct order (speakers first, then the
A3000, and then MIDI and SCSI devices).