Owner's Manual

MIDI data format
[Control Matrix] 4byte
p s v name
0000 UC 0-122 control device
0001 UC 0-59 control function
0002 UC 0-1 control type
0003 SC ±63 control range
[Sample Parameter] 188byte
p s v name
0000 [Control Matrix]*6 24byte(matrix1-6)
0024 UL b b0:linked to program001...b31:program032
0028 UL b b0:linked to program033...b31:program064
0032 UL b b0:linked to program065...b31:program096
0036 UL b b0:linked to program097...b31:program128
0040 UC b b0:sample bank member, b1:mono sample,
b2:expanded (Note 1)
0041 UC b b0:portamento, b1:mono mode,
b2:note x-fade, b3:velocity x-fade,
b4:fixed pitch
0042 UC 0-16 MIDI receive channel
0043 UC 0-13 pitch bend type
0044 UC 0-24 pitch bend range
0045 SC ±63 coarse tune
0046 UC 0-127 original key L
0047 UC 0-127 original key R
0048 US 1-65535 sampling frequency L
0050 US 1-65535 sampling frequency R
0052 SC ±63 file tune L
0053 SC ±63 file tune R
0054 SS*2 - reserved
0058 UC 0-127 key range high
0059 UC 0-127 key range low
0060 UC - reserved
0061 UC 0-5 loop mode
0062 US 8000-15999 tempo
0064 UL 0-16777215 wave start address L
0068 UL 0-16777215 wave start address R
0072 UL 0-16777215 wave length L
0076 UL 0-16777215 wave length R
0080 UL 0-16777215 loop start address L
0084 UL 0-16777215 loop start address R
0088 UL 0-16777215 loop length L
0092 UL 0-16777215 loop length R
0096 SC ±63 start address velocity sensitivity
0097 UC 0-6 filter type
0098 UC 0-127 filter cutoff frequency
0099 UC 0-127 filter Q/width
0100 UC 0-127 cutoff key scaling break point 1
0101 UC 0-127 cutoff key scaling break point 2
0102 SC ±127 cutoff key scaling level 1
0103 SC ±127 cutoff key scaling level 2
0104 SC ±63 cutoff velocity sensitivity
0105 SC ±63 Q/width velocity sensitivity
0106 SC ±7 detune
0107 SC ±63 dephase
0108 SC ±63 expand width
0109 UC 0-63 random pitch
0110 UC 0-127 level
0111 SC ±63 pan
0112 UC 0-127 velocity low limit
0113 UC ±127 velocity offset
0114 UC 0-127 velocity range high
0115 UC 0-127 velocity range low
0116 UC 0-127 level key scaling break point 1
0117 UC 0-127 level key scaling break point 2
0118 UC 0-127 level key scaling level 1
0119 UC 0-127 level key scaling level 2
0120 SC ±63 key velocity sensitivity
0121 UC 0-16 alternate group number
0122 UC 4-58 EQ frequency
0123 SC 52-76 EQ gain
0124 UC 10-120 EQ width
0125 SC - reserved
0126 UC 0-127 FEG attack rate
0127 UC 0-127 FEG decay rate
0128 UC 0-127 FEG release rate
0129 SC ±127 FEG init level
0130 SC ±127 FEG attack level
0131 SC ±127 FEG sustain level
0132 SC ±127 FEG release level
0133 SC ±7 FEG rate key scaling
0134 SC ±63 FEG rate velocity sensitivity
0135 SC ±63 FEG attack level velocity sensitivity
0136 SC ±63 FEG level velocity sensitivity
0137 UC 0-127 PEG attack rate
0138 UC 0-127 PEG decay rate
0139 UC 0-127 PEG release rate
0140 SC ±127 PEG init level
0141 SC ±127 PEG attack level
0142 SC ±127 PEG sustain level
0143 SC ±127 PEG release level
0144 SC ±7 PEG rate key scaling
0145 SC ±63 PEG rate velocity sensitivity
0146 SC ±63 PEG level velocity sensitivity
0147 UC ±63 PEG range
0148 UC 0-127 AEG attack rate
0149 UC 0-127 AEG decay rate
0150 UC 0-127 AEG release rate
0151 UC*2 - reserved
0153 UC 0-127 AEG sustain level
0154 UC - reserved
0155 UC 0-1 AEG attack mode
0156 SC ±7 AEG rate key scaling
0157 SC ±63 AEG rate velocity sensitivity
0158 UC 0-4 LFO wave
0159 UC 0-127 LFO speed
0160 UC 0-127 LFO delay time
0161 UC b b0:sync, b1:Filter mod phase invert,
b2:pitch mod phase invert
0162 UC 0-127 cutoff mod depth
0163 UC 0-127 pitch mod depth
0164 UC 0-127 amplitude mod depth
0165 UC 0-4 main output
0166 UC 0-127 main output level
0167 UC 0-4 assignable output
0168 UC 0-127 assignable output level
0169 UC - reserved
0170 US*5 - reserved
0180 UL 0-16777215 wave end address
0184 UL 0-16777215 loop end address
(Note 1) If Detune or Dephase is other than +/-1, this is 1 for a mono sample.
[Sample Bank Member] 20byte
p s v name
0000 UC*16 c sample name
0016 UL - reserved
[Easy Edit Parameter]Å@56byte
p s v name
0000 UC*16 c sample(bank) name
0016 UL - reserved
0020 UC obj type (Note 1)
0021 SC -1,0-16 MIDI receive channel (Note 2)
0022 SC ±127 level offset
0023 SC - reserved
0024 SC ±63 pan offset
0025 SC - reserved
0026 SC ±63 fine tune offset
0027 SC - reserved
0028 SC ±127 coarse tune offset
0029 SC - reserved
0030 UC 0-127 key limit high
0031 UC 0-127 key limit low
0032 SC ±127 key range shift
0033 UC 0-127 velocity limit high
0034 UC 0-127 velocity limit low
0035 UC b b0:portamento, b2:mono mode, b4:note x-fade,
b6:velocity x-fade (Note 3)
0036 SC -1,0-16 alternate group number (Note 2)
0037 SC ±127 AEG attack rate offset
0038 SC - reserved
0039 SC ±127 AEG release rate offset
0040 SC - reserved
0041 SC ±127 filter cutoff offset
0042 SC - reserved