Owner's Manual

Program & Sample Selection Screen
Chapter 4 PLAY Mode
Knob 1 Program Back
Turn the knob to select a program.
Push the knob to return to the previous screen.
Knobs 2, 3
Turn the knob to select a sample. The name of the selected sample appears on the sec-
ond line of the screen.
If you select a stereo sample, an [S] mark appears in front of the name.
If you select a sample bank, a [B] appears in front of the name.
Knob 4 SmpSolo = off, on
This setting enables or disables the “sample solo” feature. Setting this feature ON lets
you use MIDI input to play the selected sample (or sample bank) by itself. You use this
feature when you are editing a sample (or sample bank) and need to hear how it sounds
in isolation from other samples.
As an example, assume that you are working with a program that uses two samples,
Sample A and Sample B, and that both of these samples are set to play over the entire
key range (C-2 to G8). If the “sample solo” feature is OFF, playing a key at the keyboard
will produce sounds from both samples.
Assume, further, that you are now editing Sample A, and that you want to produce the
sound of this sample without intrusion from Sample B. If you set the “sample solo”
feature ON, your MIDI input will produce sound from Sample A only.
Note that this feature is available only with samples used by the program selected by
Knob 1. If you select a sample that is not used by this program, the screen displays a
- - -” to indicate that the feature is not available.
Note also that this feature is not available with individual samples within a sample
bank. If you select such a sample, the screen displays a “- - -”. But it is possible,
however, to select the entire sample bank for solo play.