Owner`s manual

Other New Features
Chapter 1 New Features
Loop-start and loop-end addresses are now retained after resampling. ( 28)
A new “Copy Parameters” command lets you copy parameter settings from one sam-
ple or bank into another. ( 29)
Knob 5 of the EDIT | TRIM/LOOP Wave page now offers two operations: EXTRACT
and NORM (normalize). ( 30)
The EDIT | MAP/OUT KeyRnge page now lets you set the low key or high key value so
that it is equivalent to (and locked to) the original-key setting. ( 31)
The velocity sensitivity parameter (at the Velocity Range page) now accepts settings
from -127 to +127 (up from -63 to +63 on Version 1). ( 31)
You can now select exponential conversion of incoming control-change values (where
Version 1 offered linear conversion only). ( 33)
The Coarse tune setting on the EDIT | MAP/OUT Pitch page is now also effective for
sample banks.
A level meter now appears on the “recording standby” and “recording-in-progress”
pages. ( 34)
A new PAUSE feature lets you temporarily pause operation when recording a series of
samples. ( 34)
You can set the A3000 to place your series of recorded samples into a single sample
bank. ( 34)
The REC | SETUP KeyRnge page includes a new Map parameter. If you set the param-
eter to auto, the A3000 will automatically map the recorded samples. ( 35)
The width parameter has been added to the recording effects page. ( 35)
The monitor on/off setting is now stored in nonvolatile memory, so that it is not lost
at power-off. ( 35)
“Quick” formatting is now available for floppy disks. ( 36)
Names of samples, sequences, volumes, and imported files are now displayed alpha-