Owner`s manual

Changes in PLAY MODE
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Upgrade Reference
The waveform end addresses for the new samples are determined by Knob 3, as de-
scribed below.
The loop mode for the new samples is set to “Forward, No Loop” (- - - ). The loop-
start and loop-end addresses for each new sample are set equal to the sample’s wave-
start and wave-end addresses, which are determined as described here.
The command assigns the name Div SmpBank
to the new sample bank, where x is a
sequential number.
Push Knob 1 to execute the command.
Turn Knob 2 to select the number of smaller samples (number of divisions) to be
created. The command divides the loop playback area of the original sample into the
specified number of pieces, and creates new samples to play each of these pieces.
Turn Knob 3 to select the Length of the new samples: either ToEnd or else a percent-
age value (from 10% to 800%, in 10% steps). If you set Knob 3 to “ToEnd,” all
samples will play to the end of the original waveform (their end addresses will be set
equal to the loop-end address of the original waveform). If you set Knob 3 to
%, the
A3000 sets the end addresses such that the distance between each sample’s start ad-
dress and end address is equal to (
%)(original sample’s loop-section length)/(number
of divisions). If you set Knob 3 to 100%, for example, the new samples will play an
equal-length portion of the loop section such that the entire section is completely
covered with no overlap. If you set Knob 3 to less the 100%, then all samples will have
equal length and no overlap, but there will be gaps in the coverage. If you set the
value above 100%, then the samples will overlap, and the samples toward the end of
the loop may have shorter playback time (since they may reach the original sample’s
wave-end address before playing the fully allotted time).
Knob 4 selects the starting note for sample mapping. The A3000 will map the first
sample (the division that plays the first part of the loop) to this note, the next sample
to the next higher note, and so on up the keyboard.
Knob 5 selects whether samples are mapped to all keys (all) or to white keys only