Operation Manual

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You use the MAP/OUT function to set the sample’s “original
key,” key range, output destinations, output level, tuning, and
related settings.
• Keep in mind that the [COMMAND/EXIT] button gives you rapid
access to a number of helpful commands while you are working
with this function. For example, you can use the [COMMAND/EXIT]
button when you want to save your edit results to disk, or when you
want to cancel your new changes and restore the previously saved
Press the [EDIT] button and then the [F2] button to go to the
MAP/OUT function.
4 display pages are provided: Mix&Key (Mix & Key Range),
Pitch (page 129), Exp&Vel (Expand & Velocity Range —
page 131), and LvlScal (Level Scaling — page 132).
See the "Basic Operation" section on page 78 for details on switch-
ing between display pages.
Mix & Key Range
[EDIT] Button [F2] Button Knob 1 to select
Provides settings for sample level, key range, and output.
Knob 1
[ Turn] Cursor/Page
Positions the cursor and selects display pages.
[ Press] Tree View
Calls the Tree View display (page 83).
Knob 2
[ Turn] Sample Level
Turn the knob to set the samples output level.
[Range] 0 127
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 3
[ Turn] Sample Pan
Turn the knob to set the samples pan (stereo position).
[Range] Rnd, -63 +63
Rnd ... The pan position changes randomly with
each note played.
-63 +63 ... Positive values set the pan to the
right; negative values move the pan to the left.
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 4
[ Turn] Velocity Sensitivity
This value sets the samples velocity sensitivity. The
velocity sensitivity determines how the samples output
level varies in response to changes in velocity.
[Range] -127 +127
A value of 0 produces constant output level for
all velocities within the velocity range. Positive
values causes output level to increase with
increasing velocity, while negative settings have
the opposite effect.
You can use the UTILITY – MIDI Channel page to set
the adjustment that the A5000/A4000 applies to
received velocity values before transmitting them to
the internal tone generator. (page 200)
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 5
[ Turn] Poly/Mono
Select Mono if you want to limit playback of this sample to
one note at a time. Select Poly to enable simultaneous
playback of multiple notes.
[Range] Poly, Mono
Poly ... The sample can be played polyphonically
(several notes can be played at once).
Mono ... Only one note can be played at a time.
Cursor q (Level)
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Cursor/Page Sample Level Sample Pan
Tree View QUICK... QUICK... QUICK..