Operation Manual

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Knob 1
Same function as Cursor q (page 127).
Knob 2
[ Turn] Output1
Sets the sample's output destination. Samples have two
independent output destinations (Output 1 and 2); this
parameter sets the Output 1 destination.
[Range] off, StereoOut, AsgnOutL&R,
AsgnOut1&2 AsgnOut5&6, DIG&OPT,
Ef1 Ef6 (Ef1 Ef3 on the A4000)
StereoOut ... Output is sent to the rear-panel STE-
REO OUT jacks as well as the front-panel
PHONES jack.
AsgnOutL&R ... The rear-panel assignable output
AsgnOut1&2, AsgnOut3&4, AsgnOut5&6 ... The
corresponding assignable outputs on the
optional AIEB1 I/O expansion board.
DIG&OPT ... The coaxial and optical digital outputs
on the optional AIEB1 I/O expansion board.
Ef1 Ef6 (Effect1 6) (Ef1 Ef3 on the
A4000) ... Output is routed to the specied
The AsgnOut1&2, AsgnOut3&4, AsgnOut5&6, and
DIG&OPT output destinations cannot be selected
unless the optional AIEB1 I/O expansion board is
Knob 3
[ Turn] Output Level1
Species the output level of Output1
[Range] 0 127
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
When both the sample and Easy Edit Output1 and
Output 2 parameters are set to the same output des-
tination, the higher of the two output level settings
(Output Level 1 and Output Level2) will take priority.
If reducing the Output Level 1 or Output Level 2 set-
ting has no effect, check the sample and Easy Edit
Output1 and Output2 destination settings.
Knob 4
[ Turn] Output2
Sets the samples output destination. Samples have two
independent output destinations (Output 1 and 2); this
parameter sets the Output 2 destination.
[Range] off, StereoOut, AsgnOutL&R,
AsgnOut1&2 AsgnOut5&6, DIG&OPT,
Ef1 Ef6 (Ef1 Ef3 on the A4000)
The settings are the same as for the Output1
parameter, above
Knob 5
[ Turn] Output Level2
Species the output level of Output2
[Range] 0 127
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
When both the sample and Easy Edit Output1 and
Output 2 parameters are set to the same output des-
tination, the higher of the two output level settings
(Output Level 1 and Output Level2) will take priority.
If reducing the Output Level 1 or Output Level 2 set-
ting has no effect, check the sample and Easy Edit
Output1 and Output2 destination settings.
[EDIT] Button [F2] Button Knob 1 to select "EDIT-Pitch"
Use this page to set the sample’s tuning and pitch characteris-
Knob 1
[ Turn] Cursor/Page
Positions the cursor and selects display pages.
[ Press] Tree View
Calls the Tree View display (page 83).
Cursor e (Output)
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Cursor/Page Output1 Output Level1 Output2 Output Level2
Tree View QUICK... QUICK...
Cursor q (Pitch)
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Cursor/Page Pitch Coarse Pitch Fine Fixed Pitch Random Pitch
Tree View QUICK... QUICK... QUICK...