Operation Manual

134 Chapter 5 EDIT Mode • A5000/A4000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Knob 3
[ Turn] Cutoff
Use this knob to set the lters cutoff frequency.
As shown in the lter response graphs on page 133, the
cutoff frequency is either the point at which the lter cutoff
begins, or it is the center frequency of the pass/elimina-
tion band, depending on the lter type.
[Range] 0 127
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 4
[ Turn] Q/Width
This knob sets the Q value (resonance) or width setting,
depending on the lter type.
[Range] 0 31
When any filter type other than BandPass, BandElim,
or 2Dips is selected, this parameter will vary the size
of the emphasis peak near the filter cutoff frequency.
With the LowPass2, HiPass2, Peak1, and Peak2 fil-
ters, setting this parameter too high can cause the
sound to become distorted.
When the BandPass filter type is selected, higher
values increase the width of the filter passband.
When the BandElim or 2Dips filter is selected,
smaller values increase the width of the filter's elimi-
nation band.
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 5
[ Turn] Cutoff Distance
For lter types which combine two lters (2Peaks ...
LPF+HPF), it is necessary to set the cutoff frequencies
for both lters. This parameter species the "distance" of
the cutoff frequency of the second lter from that of the
rst lter (specied by Knob 3: Cutoff).
[Range] -63 +63
For the LPF+Peak, HPF+Peak, and LPF+HPF filters,
the cutoff frequency of the filter named to the left of
the "+" is determined by Knob 3 (Cutoff). The cutoff
frequency of the filter named to the right of the "+" is
determined by adding the Knob 5 (Cutoff Distance)
value to the Cutoff value. When Cutoff Distance is
set to "0", both filters will have the same cutoff fre-
The Cutoff Distance parameter is only available
when a composite filter type is selected.
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
q An approximate graphic representation of the selected lter's
Knob 1
Same function as Cursor q (page 133).
Knob 3
[ Turn] Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity
Determines how the cutoff frequency changes in
response to velocity. If you set the value to 0, the cutoff
frequency remains the same at all velocities.
[Range] -63 +63, Rnd1 Rnd5
Positive values cause the cutoff frequency to move
up as velocity increases, while negative values
cause the frequency to move down as velocity
For the Rnd1 — Rnd 5 settings, higher Rnd values
produce a greater random variation in cutoff fre-
quency for each note sounded.
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 4
[ Turn] Q/Width Velocity Sensitivity
Determines how the Q/width value changes in response
to velocity.
[Range] -63 +63, Rnd1 Rnd5
If you set the value to 0, the Q/width value remains
the same at all velocities. Positive values cause the
value to increase as velocity increases, while nega-
tive values cause the value to decrease as velocity
For the Rnd1 — Rnd 5 settings, higher Rnd values
produce a greater random variation in Q/Width for
each note sounded.
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Knob 5
[ Turn] Filter Gain
Use this knob to set the lters output level.
Note that high settings may produce distortion when used
with certain sample sounds or when many samples are
played together.
[Range] -31 +31
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Cursor w (Filter Sensitivity)
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Cutoff Veloci-
ty Sensitivity
Filter Gain
Tree View QUICK... QUICK... QUICK...