Operation Manual

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You use the MIDI/CTRL function to set the sample’s MIDI
Receive Channel, to designate its “alternate group,” and to set
up its controller handling.
The [COMMAND/EXIT] button gives you rapid access to a number
of helpful commands while you are working with this function. For
example, you can use the [COMMAND/EXIT] button when you
want to save your edit results to disk, or when you want to cancel
your new changes and restore the previously saved data.
Press the [EDIT] button and the the [F4] button to go to the
MIDI/CTRL functions.
3 display pages are provided: MIDISet (MIDI Setup), SmpC-
trlA (Sample Controller A — page 146), and SmpCtrlB (Sam-
ple Controller B — page 146).
See the "Basic Operation" section on page 78 for details on switch-
ing between display pages.
[EDIT] Button [F4] Button Knob 1 to select
MIDI Set provides access to parameters which allow setting
the sample receive channel, and parameters relating to pitch
bend and velocity data reception.
Knob 1
[ Turn] Cursor Position/Page Selection
Positions the cursor and selects display pages.
[ Press] Tree View
Calls the Tree View display (page 83).
Knob 3
[ Turn] Receive Channel
Turn the knob to select the MIDI channel that drives the
samples playback.
[Range] A01 — A16, B01 — B16,
Bch (01 — 16 on the A4000, Bch)
Bch ... The specied Basic Channel (page 89) is
[ Press] MIDI
When this knob is pressed the parameter can be directly
set by a MIDI note-on message received from an external
MIDI device.
Knob 5
[ Turn] Alternate Groupe
Turn the knob to select the alternate group for the sam-
ple. The A5000/A4000 supports 16 alternate groups. Set
the value off if you do not want to place the sample into
any of these groups.
[Range] off, 1 — 16
You use alternate groups to prevent simultaneous
play of samples that do not go well together. Only
one note from the group can be in play at any given
time; playing any note from any sample in the group
automatically switches off any other note already
playing from that group.
As an example, in general you would not want to play
a “high-hat close” sound while a “high-hat open”
sound is still audible. To prevent accidental overlap of
these two sounds, you would place your “high-hat-
open” sample and your “high-hat-close” sample into
the same alternate group. If you then play the “close”
sample while the “open” sample is still sounding, the
A5000/A4000 immediately switches off the “open”
sample and starts playing the “close” sample.
If you set the value to anything other than off, you will
not be able to play more than one note from this
sample at any given time.
Knob 1
Same function as Cursor q (page 145).
Knob 2
[ Turn] Pitch Bend Type
This setting determines how strongly the pitchbend wheel
controls the samples pitch. More specically, it deter-
mines how upward and downward wheel movements
operate on the sample.
[Range] Normal — Up&Dwn12
For Up2Dwn3 — Up3Dwn12 refer to the corre-
sponding numbers A and B in the Up[A] Dwn[B]
diagrams. Up&Dwn12 produces an abrupt varia-
tion over +/- one octave.
Slow&Rev and Stop&Rev produce reverse playback
even with looped samples, with playback stopping
when the start address is reached.
[ Press] LIST...
Calls the pitch bend type list.
Cursor q
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Tree View MIDI ——
Cursor w
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Pitch Bend
Pitch Bend
Velocity Low
Velocity Offset
Tree View LIST... QUICK... MIDI QUICK...