Operation Manual

About the COMMANDS
208 Chapter 9 COMMAND • A5000/A4000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Knob 1 to highlight display line 1 Press Knob 3
Deletes all or specified samples (sample banks) or sequences
in memory.
Before executing the delete operation make sure the sample you
are deleting is not being used in a sample bank or program.
Delete the data as follows:
1. Select the type of data to be copied via the Delete Type parameter.
2. If the selected Delete Type is OneSample or OneSequence, also
specify the sample or sequence to be deleted.
3. Press Knob 1 (EXEC) or Knob 5 (EXEC&CONT), and the delete
confirmation display will appear. Press Knob 5 (YES) to execute
the delete operation.
If Knob 1 (EXEC) is used to execute the command, the display
previous to the command menu will be recalled after execution
has finished. If Knob 5 (EXEC&CONT) is used to execute the
command, the delete display will be retained so you can con-
tinue and perform further delete operations.
Knob 1
[ Press] EXEC
Press this knob to call the delete confirmation display.
Press Knob 5 (YES) to actually execute the delete opera-
Knob 3
[ Turn] Delete Type
Specifies the type of data to be deleted.
[Range] OneSample, AllSamples, AllFreeSamples,
OneSample ... Allows a specified sample in mem-
ory to be deleted. Select the sample to be
deleted via Knob 5.
If a sample contained in a sample bank is
selected, a confirmation display asking if you
want to delete all other sample in that sample
bank will appear when the delete operation is
executed. Press Knob 5 (YES) to delete all
samples in the sample bank. If you press
Knob 4 (NO), the remaining samples are
removed from the sample bank, becoming
independent samples.
AllSamples ... All samples and sample banks in
memory are deleted.
AllFreeSamples ... Deletes all samples and sam-
ple banks which are not currently used by a
OneSequence ... Allows a specified sequence in
memory to be deleted. Select the sequence to
be deleted via Knob 5.
Knob 5
[ Turn] Sample/Sequence
Selects the sample or sequence to be deleted.
When the selected Delete Type is OneSample, Knob 5
selects the sample to be deleted.
When the selected Delete Type is OneSequence, Knob 5
selects the sequence to be deleted.
All samples (sample banks) and sequences in memory
can be selected.
[ Press] EXEC&CONT
Press this knob to call the delete confirmation display.
Press Knob 5 (YES) to actually execute the delete opera-
Knob 1 to highlight display line 1 Press Knob 4.
Saves specified data in memory to disk.
1. Specify the type of data to be saved via the Save Type parameter
(page 209).
2. Select the destination disk and volume (page 209).
3. If the Save Type is OneProgram, specify the source program num-
ber and the destination program number (page 209). If the Save
Type is OneSample or OneSequence select the sample (sample
bank) or sequence to be saved (page 210).
4. Press Knob 1 (EXEC) or Knob 5 (EXEC&CONT), and the save
confirmation display will appear. Press Knob 5 (YES) to execute
the save operation.
If Knob 1 (EXEC) is used to execute the command, the display
previous to the command menu will be recalled after execution
has finished. If Knob 5 (EXEC&CONT) is used to execute the
command, the save display will be retained so you can con-
tinue and perform further save operations.
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Delete Type
Sample /