Operation Manual

About the COMMANDS
222 Chapter 9 COMMAND • A5000/A4000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Knob 4
[ Turn] Map From
Sets the original note for the divided samples. The sam-
ples are mapped with the rst sample at the specied
note and the following samples at successively higher
[Range] C-2 G8, off
[ Press] MIDI
When this knob is pressed the parameter can be directly
set by a MIDI note-on message received from an external
MIDI device. See page 82.
Knob 5
[ Turn] Map Key
Determines whether samples will or will not be assigned
to black keys.
[Range] white, all
white ... Samples will be assigned only to white
all ... samples will be assigned to all keys (white
and black).
[ Press] EXEC&CONT
Press this knob to call the loop divide conrmation dis-
play. Press Knob 5 (YES) to actually execute the loop
divide operation.
[COMMAND/EXIT] Button Knob 1 to highlight display line 3
Press Knob 4
Applies time stretch and pitch conversion to samples. Time
stretch changes the length of samples without changing their
pitch, while pitch convert changes the pitch of samples with-
out changing their length.
The command lengthens or shortens the entire waveform. (Opera-
tion is not restricted to the area between the start and end
Time conversion may produce unexpected results with some sam-
ples. It is recommended that you limit adjustment to 10% in either
direction, except in cases where you are trying to achieve an
unusual effect.
Following time conversion, the “start address” and “loop start
address” reset to the wave-start address (=0), and the “end
address” and “loop end address” reset to the wave-end address.
1. Select the Resample Type.
2. Select the sample to be resampled.
3. Set other parameters as required.
4. Press Knob 1 (EXEC) or Knob 5 (EXEC&CONT), and the resam-
ple conrmation display will appear. Press Knob 5 (YES) to exe-
cute the resample operation.
The content of this display will vary according to the selected Resa-
mple Type.
If Knob 1 (EXEC) is used to execute the command, the display pre-
vious to the command menu will be recalled after execution has fin-
ished. If Knob 5 (EXEC&CONT) is used to execute the command,
the resample display will be retained so you can continue and per-
form further resample operations.
Knob 1
[ Turn] Cursor
Positions the cursor.
[ Press] EXEC
Press this knob to call the resample conrmation display.
Press Knob 5 (YES) to actually execute the resample
Knob 2
[ Turn] Resample Type
Determines the type of resample processing to be
applied to the selected sample.
[Range] TimeStretch(tempo), TimeStretch(length),
TimeStretch(beat), TimeStretch(time),
TimeStretch(tempo) ... Time stretch with the
resultant sample length being based on a
specied tempo.
TimeStretch(length) ... Time stretch with the
resultant sample length being based on a
specied wave-data length.
TimeStretch(beat) ... Time stretch with the result-
ant sample length being based on a specied
beat (beats per playback time).
TimeStretch(time) ... Time stretch with the result-
ant sample length being based on a specied
playback time.
PitchConvert ... Conversion to a specied pitch.
Knob 4
Press this knob to hear the results of the resample opera-
tion before the resample operation is actually executed.
Cursor q (the same for all Resample)
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5