Operation Manual

Effect Type List
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42 OvrDrvS (STEREO OVERDRIVE) Stereo overdrive.
43 AmpSimS (STEREO AMP SIMULATOR) Stereo amp simulator.
44 Dist+DL (DIST + DELAY) DISTORTION and DELAY are connected in series.
45 OvDr+DL (OVERDRIVE + DELAY) OVERDRIVE and DELAY are connected in series.
46 Chorus (CHORUS) Standard chorus effect.
47 Chorus2 (CHORUS2) A variation of the standard chorus effect.
48 Celeste (CELESTE) Uses a three-phase LFO to add more modulation and width to the sound.
49 Sympho (SYMPHONIC) Adds more stages to the modulation of Celeste.
50 Detune (ENSEMBLE DETUNE) Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted sound.
51 Flanger (FLANGER) Creates a sound reminiscent of a jet airplane.
52 V-Flang (V-FLANGER) A simulation on an analog flanger effect. The LFO has a random setting.
53 Phaser1 (PHASER1) Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound.
54 Phaser2 (PHASER2) Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the sound.
55 Tremolo (TREMOLO) Cyclically modulates the volume.
56 FlngPan (FLANGING PAN) Flanger and auto-pan are synchronized.
57 FlowPan (FLOW PAN) Auto-pan is placed in series, moving the sound image in complex ways.
58 Rotary (ROTARY SPEAKER) Simulates a rotary speaker.
59 Rot2Way (2WAY ROTARY SPEAKER) Simulates a rotary speaker.
60 2Rotors (DUAL ROTORS SPEAKER) Rotary speaker simulation with speed switching.
61 DS+Rot (DIST + ROTARY SPEAKER) Distortion and rotary speaker connected in series.
62 OD+Rot (OVERDRIVE + ROTARY SPEAKER) Overdrive and rotary speaker connected in series.
63 Amp+Rot (AMP SIM + ROTARY SPEAKER) Amp simulator and rotary speaker connected in series.
64 DS+2Way (DIST + 2WAY ROTARY SPEAKER) Distortion and 2-way rotary speaker connected in series.
65 OD+2Way (OVERDRIVE + 2WAY ROTARY SPEAKER) Overdrive and 2-way rotary speaker connected in series.
66 Amp+2Wy (AMP SIM + 2WAY ROTARY SPEAKER) Amp simulator and 2-way rotary speaker connected in series.
67 AutoPan (AUTO PAN) Cyclically moves the sound between left and right, front and back.
68 Dly+Pan (DELAY + AUTO PAN) Delayed sound is cyclically moved between left and right.
69 3Delay (DELAY L,C,R) Produces three delayed sounds: L, R and C (center).
70 2Delay (DELAY L,R) Produces two delayed sounds: L and R. Two feedback delays are provided.
71 Echo (ECHO) Two delayed sounds (L and R), and independent feedback delays for L and R.
72 X-Delay (CROSS DELAY) The feedback of the two delayed sounds is crossed.
73 CtlDly (CONTROL DELAY(MONO)) Delay with delay time controllable in real time.
74 CtlDlyS (CONTROL DELAY(STEREO)) A controller can be assigned to this delay to create scratch-type effects.
75 Ambienc (AMBIENCE) Blurs the stereo positioning of the sound to add spatial width.
76 Karaoke (KARAOKE) Echo for karaoke.
77 Eref (EARLY REFLECTION) This effect isolates only the early reflection components of the reverb.
78 GateRev (GATE REVERB) Simulation of gated reverb.
79 RvsGate (REVERSE GATE) Simulation of gated reverb played back in reverse.
80 Hall (HALL) Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall.
81 Room (ROOM) Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room.
82 Stage (STAGE) Reverb suitable for a solo instrument.
83 Plate (PLATE) Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit.
84 WhiteRm (WHITE ROOM) Unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay.
85 Tunnel (TUNNEL) Simulates a cylindrical space expanding to left and right.
86 Basemnt (BASEMENT) Reverb with unique reverberation following a slight initial delay.
87 Canyon (CANYON) Creates the sound of an imaginary space in which the sound expands limitlessly.
88 T-Dly (TEMPO DELAY (MONO)) Tempo-synchronized delay.
89 T-DlyS (TEMPO DELAY (STEREO)) Tempo-synchronized stereo delay.
90 T-XDly (TEMPO CROSS DELAY) Tempo-synchronized cross delay.
91 T-Flang (TEMPO FLANGER) Tempo-synchronized flanger.
92 T-Phase (TEMPO PHASER) Tempo-synchronized phaser.
93 T-AWah (TEMPO AUTO WAH) Tempo-synchronized auto wah.
94 T-Scrch (TEMPO DIGITAL SCRATCH) Tempo-synchronized digital scratch.
95 T-ASyn (TEMPO AUTO SYNTH) Tempo-synchronized auto synth.
96 T-FgPan (TEMPO FLANGING PAN) Tempo-synchronized flanging pan.
No. Effect type Effect