Operation Manual

MIDI Data Format
274 Appendix • A5000/A4000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
1. MIDI reception/transmission conditions block diagram
< MIDI reception conditions > 1/3
n..............MIDI receive channel
SW..........disable SW.
Program LFO Sync
< SW > $F8 Timing Clock
(*2) $FA Start
$FB Continue
$FC Stop
$FE Active Sensing
$8n Note Off
$9n Note On/Off
Control Change
< SW > $Bn,$00 Control Change
enable/disable ⇓⇓
(*1) Program Change
< SW > $Cn,$00 Program Change
enable/disable ⇓⇓
After Touch
< SW > $Dn After Touch
Pitch Bend
< SW > $En Pitch Bend
(*1) For the A5000 the same applies to both A/B inputs.
(*2) For the A5000 one of the A/B inputs can be selected.
< MIDI reception conditions > 2/3
SW...........BULK protect SW.
n...............Device Number
MIDI $F0,$43,$10,$58,$7F,$00,$00,$F7
(*1) Test Entry
$F0,$43,$1n,$58,$00 Paramter Change
(object select)
$F0,$43,$1n,$58,$01 Paramter Change
(object edit)
$F0,$43,$1n,$58,$02 Paramter Change
(system parameter)
$F0,$43,$1n,$58,$03 Paramter Change
(switch remote)
$F0,$43,$1n,$58,$04 Paramter Change
(object link)
$F0,$43,$3n,$58,$01 Paramter Value Request
$F0,$43,$3n,$58,$02 Paramter Value Request
(system parameter)
$F0,$43,$3n,$58,$04 Paramter Value Request
(object link)
$F0,$43,$2n,$7A Dump Request
Bulk Protect
< SW > $F0,$43,$0n,$7A System Parameter Bulk
(LM__0474SY) (*2)
$F0,$43,$0n,$7A Program Bulk
(LM__0474PG) (*2)
$F0,$43,$0n,$7A Sample Bank Bulk
(LM__0474SB) (*2)
$F0,$43,$0n,$7A Sample Bulk
(LM__0474SP) (*2)
$F0,$43,$0n,$7A Wave Data Bulk
(LM__0474WD) (*2)
$F0,$43,$0n,$7A Sequence Bulk
(LM__0474SQ) (*2)
(*1) For the A5000 one of the A/B inputs can be selected.
(*2) For the A5000 each is LM 0475**.
< MIDI reception conditions > 3/3
SW .......... BULK protect SW.
nn ............ Device Number
Bulk Protect
MIDI < SW > $F0,$7E,$nn,$01 Dump Header
(*1) enable/
$F0,$7E,$nn,$02 Data Packet
$F0,$7E,$nn,$03 Dump Request
$F0,$7E,$nn,$7C Wait
$F0,$7E,$nn,$7D Cancel
$F0,$7E,$nn,$7E NAK
$F0,$7E,$nn,$7F ACK
$F0,$7E,$nn,$05,$01 Loop Point Transmission
$F0,$7E,$nn,$05,$02 Loop Points Request
$F0,$7E,$nn,$06,$01 Identity Request
$F0,$7E,$nn,$06,$02 Identity Reply
(*1) For the A5000 one of the A/B inputs can be selected.
< MIDI transmission conditions >
Note Off
Note On/Off
Control Change
Program Change
After Touch
Pitch Bend
Dump Header <Device Number> MIDI
1-16; in the case of All, 1
Dump Packet
Loop Point Transmission
Identity Reply
System Parameter Bulk
Program Bulk
Sample Bank Bulk
Sample Bulk
Wave Data Bulk
Sequence Bulk
Object List Bulk
Parameter Change
MIDI Data Format