Operation Manual

Sound Check
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9.Rotate Knob 1 to select the Sample Select (PLAY-SAMPLE-SmpSel) display.
10.Rotate Knob 2 to highlight sine wave, and rotate Knob 4 to set the Receive Channel
Assign parameter to A01 (01 on the A4000).
When the A5000/A4000 is turned on a number of basic-waveform samples are automatically created. In
this case we have selected the “sine wave” sample for our sound check.
11.Play the MIDI keyboard or other controller connected to the A5000/A4000.
If you hear the sine wave sample at this point, all is OK.
If no sound is produced, try pressing the front-panel [AUDITION] button. If pressing
the [AUDITION] button produces sound it is likely that you have not made the right
MIDI connectors or properly set your MIDI controller. If pressing the [AUDITION]
button produces no sound you should recheck your audio output connections and audio
gear. Turn the power off and go back to the previous section to check you connections
and settings.
If the sound check is successful, continue with the following steps.
12.Turn down all audio volume controls.
13.Turn the A5000/A4000 MASTER VOL all the way to the left (minimum volume).
14.Turn off the power to the A5000/A4000 and all connected equipment.
This completes the sound check procedure.
That completes the initial setup and test procedures. In Chapter 2 we’ll provide an easy intro-
duction to sampling and some of the A5000/A4000’s main feature. Follow the “hands-on”
instructions to become familiar with recording and playing samples with your A5000/A4000.