Operation Manual

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2. Select a Sample To Edit
If the sample you want to edit isn’t already selected (the sample name appears at the bottom of the
window in the upper left corner of the display), press Knob 1 (TREE) to see a list of the available sam-
ples, use Knob 2 to select the desired sample, then press Knob 1 (PARAM) again to return to the
“EDIT-Waveform” display.
You can play the selected sample by pressing the [AUDITION] button.
3. Specify the Wave Start & End Addresses
With the topmost function line on the display highlighted (“Wave”: use Knob 1 to select it if it isn’t
already selected), use Knob 2 and Knob 3 to specify the start and end addresses at which the sample is
to be trimmed, respectively. Solid vertical lines in the waveform display show the currently selected
Start and End points.
If you need coarser or finer adjustment, use Knob 4 to select the digit in the Start and End values
which will be directly adjusted by Knobs 2 and 3. Your options are x1, x10, x100, x1000, and x10000.
The position of the inverse block cursor in the address values shows the digit currently being adjusted.
You can hear how the edited sample sounds at any point during this process by pressing the [AUDI-
TION] button.
Be sure to check out the “Handy Auto-addressing Functions” described in the next section (“Step-
by-Step LOOPING”). They can make locating optimum Start and End points a lot easier.
You can change the units used for trim and loop point specification by scrolling down to the “End-
Type” parameter and using Knob 2 to select the desired unit: “Address”, “Length”, “Time”, or
“Beat”. See page 124 for details on this feature.
The specified Wave Start and End points are saved with the sample data.