Operation Manual

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Assigning single sample or multiple samples to a program is the final step you’ll need to take before play-
ing your sample’s via the A5000/A4000.
1. Go To the Program Select Display
Press the [PLAY] button and then the [PROGRAM] function key to go to the “PLAY-PgmSel” (pro-
gram select) display.
2. Select a Program
Use Knob 2 or 3 to select the program to which you want to assign your sample(s). The number and
name of the selected program will appear in the window in the upper right corner of the display.
Use the “Rename” function to give the program an original name, if required. See page 89 for
In the “PLAY-PgmSel” display Knob 4 is used to select the “Single” or “Multi” play mode (page 89
for details), and Knob 5 is used to set the sampler’s basic receive channel (page 89 for details).
3. Go To the Sample Select Display
Press the [SAMPLE] function key to go to the “PLAY-SmpSel” (sample select) display.