Operation Manual

1. System Overview
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Total EQ (page 107)
A versatile four-band equalizer which can be used to shape the sound of the tone generator’s output.
Controllers (page 107)
Knobs 2 through 5, the [F1] through [F6] function buttons, [AUDITION] button, [ASSIGNABLE]
button, etc., can be used for efficient control of the tone generator and sequencer sections.
Sequencer (page 107)
The sequencer can be used to record performance data from a MIDI controller or other device, and
play the recorded data back using the sampler’s tone generator. This is a no-frills sequencer that can be
used as a convenient “notepad” to jot down ideas for break beats or musical phrases.
I/O Interface (page 108)
The A5000/A4000 has a built-in floppy disk drive which can be used to save and load samples, pro-
grams, and other data. Additional storage devices such as hard disks, ZIP drives, CD-ROM drives, etc.,
can be connected externally via the sampler’s built-in SCSI interface, or internally via the SCSI and
IDE connectors provided.
An optional I/O expansion board is also available which provides digital coaxial and optical inputs and
outputs for direct sample and playback of digital signals, as well as a number of individual analog out-
The A5000/A4000 wave memory can be expanded up to a maximum of 128 megabytes.
Sampling Tone Generator
The tone generator section records audio signals received via the analog input jacks (or the digital coaxial
or optical inputs, if the optional I/O board is installed), and allows the recorded samples to be edited and
played from an external MIDI controller. The recorded signals can be organized as samples, grouped in
sample banks, and assigned to programs for easy handling and operation.
A “sample” is the smallest unit of data handled by the A5000/A4000, consisting of the sampled wave-
form plus the most basic playback parameters.
The act of recording signals received via the analog INPUT jacks (or the DIGITAL IN or OPTICAL
IN connectors if the optional I/O expansion board is installed) is known as “sampling,” and the
recorded wave data is kept in the sample’s internal wave memory.
In addition to the raw wave data, samples include start and end addresses that specify where playback
of the wave data is to start and end, loop addresses, an original key parameter, EG (Envelope Genera-
tor) parameters, LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) parameters, and other data that determines how the
sample is to be played back.
Wave Data Sample Parameters
Start/end address, loop,
original key. EG, LFO ...