Operation Manual

1. System Overview
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The Effect Stage
The effect stage adds ambience effects such as reverb or more dramatic effects to the output signal from the
tone generator section. The effect settings are all saved as program parameters, so completely different
effect setups can be applied to each program
Effects and the Sampling Tone Generator
The routing of the output signal from the sampling tone generator section is determined for each sam-
ple by the sample Output 1 and Output 2 parameters (EDIT – MAP/OUT – Mix&Key, page 129).
When an effect block is specified (E1 — E6 on the A5000, or E1 — E3 on the A4000) for the Output 1
or Output 2 parameter, the output of that sample will be routed to the corresponding effect block.
The routing of sample output to the effects is carried out via the sample parameters, but the actual
effect settings are accessed via the program parameters.
Effect Connections
The A5000 effect stage has 6 separate effect blocks, while the A4000 effect stage has 3. 3 effect blocks
are used together as a group, thus the A5000 has two effect groups (Effect 1 — 3 and Effect 4 — 6),
while the A4000 has one effect group (Effect 1 — 3). The connections between the effect blocks in
each group can be set up in a number of ways (page 102, 103).
The effects can be connected in series, in parallel, or a combination of both types. When connected in
parallel, each effect block can be independently used to apply different effects to different samples, for
example. When connected in series the effects can be combined to create more complex sounds. For
example, after applying delay to a sound you could then apply reverb and/or equalization.
In the A5000 it is possible to route the output of Effects 1 — 3 to Effects 4 — 6, thus effectively
connecting 6 effect blocks in series (page 102).
Sampling Tone Generator
Sample A
Output 1 = E1
Sample B
Output 1 = E2
Effect Stage
Effect 1
Effect 2
Effect 3
Effect 1
Effect 2
Effect 3
Effect 1
Effect 2
Effect 3
Effect 1
Effect 2
Effect 3
Series Parallel Combined