Operation Manual

2. The A5000/A4000 Functions
70 Chapter 3 The A5000/A4000 System & Features • A5000/A4000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
[F3] TRIGGER Button (page 158)
Specifies how recording will be started and stopped.
[F4] EFFECT Button (page 160)
Specifies “record effects” which will be applied to the recorded signal.
[F5] EXT CTRL Button (External Control Button) (page 161)
Controls playback of an external audio CD.
[F6] MONITOR Button (page 163)
Sets up monitoring of the source signal. Also allows generation of a reference click signal at the
specified tempo.
DISK MODE [DISK] (page 165)
The DISK mode provides access to functions for loading data from or saving data to floppy disk, hard
disk, CD-ROM, and other storage media. A range of functions for managing disks, volumes, and SCSI
devices are also provided.
The DISK MODE consists of the following 6 functions and 1 command selected via the [F1] through
[F6] buttons and [COMMAND/EXIT] button.
[F1] PROGRAM Button (page 167)
Loads programs from floppy disk, hard disk, or other media.
[F2] SAMPLE Button (page 169)
Loads samples and sample banks from floppy disk, hard disk, or other media.
[F3] SEQUENCE Button (page 171)
Loads sequences from floppy disk, hard disk, or other media.
[F4] VOLUME Button (page 172)
Selects and creates volumes on floppy or hard disk, and allows loading all data in a volume at
[F5] DISK Button (page 173)
Functions for selecting disks, renaming disks, mounting and unmounting hard disks and CD-
ROM drives, and specifying the A5000/A4000’s own SCSI ID number.
[F6] IMPORT Button (page 177)
Allows importing computer-format wave files as well as sample data originally created for other
The UTILITY mode includes a range of functions that affect overall operation of the A5000/A4000 as
well as sequence recording/playback, etc.
Press the [UTILITY] button to go to the UTILITY mode.
The following 6 functions are provided.
[F1] TOTAL EQ Button (page 189)
Sets up the 4-band equalizer that applies to the stereo and headphone output signals.
[F2] PANEL PLAY Button (page 191)
Sets up the panel Knobs and function buttons to control the sampler’s tone generator.