Operation Manual

3. Basic Operation
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For example, when the EDIT mode FILTER function Filter & EQ page is selected, as shown in the
example above, rotating Knob 1 clockwise will move the cursor down line-by-line until the bottom
line is reached, then if the Knob is rotated more the next page — Filter Scaling — will be selected.
This method can be used when the Tree View page Knob Type parameter (page 84) is set to
“Page.” If this parameter is set to “Sample,” however, Knob 1 selects samples or sample banks to
be edited instead of moving the cursor and selecting display pages.
Using the Mode and Function Buttons
Press the currently selected function button to select the next display page, or the currently selected
mode button to select the previous display page. Some display pages include several display lines, and
in such cases pressing the current function button will move the cursor down line-by-line each time the
button is pressed until the bottom of the page is reached, and then the next display page will be
selected. The opposite occurs if the current mode button is used: i.e. the cursor will move upward line-
by-line each time the button is pressed until the top line is reached, then the previous display page will
be selected.
Editing Parameters
Knobs 2 through 5 are used to edit the various parameters that appear on each display page. In almost all
pages four parameters are displayed directly above Knobs 2 through 5, and those parameters can be edited
simply by rotating the corresponding knob. In some pages more than one display line is provided, and it is
necessary to use Knob 1 to select the line containing the desired parameter before using the corresponding
knob (2 — 5) to edit it.
For example, when the cursor is located at the top line in the EDIT mode FILTER function Filter & EQ
page (i.e. the top line is highlighted) . . .
Knob 2 selects the Filter Type.
Knob 3 sets the cutoff value (0 — 127).
Knob 4 sets the Q/Width value (0 — 30).
Knob 5 sets the Distance value (-63 — +63).
In some pages certain knobs may have no assigned function, or more than one knob may edit the
same parameter.