Operation Manual

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A5000/A4000 • Chapter 4 PLAY Mode 91
Knob 5
[ Turn] Program Transpose
Use this setting to transpose the program up or down, in
semitone increments. The transposition operates by rais-
ing or lowering all samples used by the program.
Note that each sample's keyboard range also transposes
by an equivalent amount.
[Range] -127 — +127
If a sample's keyboard range is set to C3 through B3,
for example, then transposing the program by -12 will
shift the range for the sample to C2 through B2, so
that striking key C2 will produce the sound originally
associated with key C3.
[ Press] QUICK...
Calls the quick entry menu (page 83).
Program Mode = Multi
Knob 1
Same function as Program Mode = Single (pege 90).
Knob 2
[ Turn] Part
Selects the program part to be edited.
[Range] A01 — A16, B01 — B16 (01 — 16 on the A4000)
Knob 3
[ Turn] Program
Turn the knob to select a program for playback, editing, or
[Range] 001 — 128
[ Press] RENAME...
If you wish to set or change the program's name, push
this knob to proceed to the name editing screen. For
information about how to edit name strings, see "Charac-
ter Entry" (page 81).
Knob 4, 5
Same function as Program Mode = Single (pege 90).
Program Level (Knob 4) and Program Transpose
(Knob 5) directly set the corresponding values for
each program in the same way whether the Multi or
Single Program Mode is selected.
Program Portamento
[PLAY] Button [F1] Button Knob 1 to select
Use this page to set the portamento mode and portamento rate
or time for the selected program.
These settings apply only to samples for which the sample porta-
mento mode (EDIT-MAP/OUT-Pitch) is set to “=Pgm” (page 130).
The content of this display will depend on the Program Mode
setting (page 89).
Program Mode = Single
Knob 1
[ Turn] Page
Selects display pages.
[ Press] Tree View
Calls the Tree View display (page 83).
Knob 2
[ Turn] Program (Select Program)
Turn the knob to select a program for playback, editing, or
[Range] 001 — 128
Knob 3
[ Turn] Program (Select Program)
Same function as Knob 2.
[ Press] RENAME...
If you wish to set or change the program's name, press
this knob to proceed to the name editing screen. For
information about how to edit name strings, see "Charac-
ter Entry" (page 81).
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Page Part Program Program Level
Tree View RENAME... QUICK... QUICK...
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Page Program Program
Tree View RENAME... QUICK...