Operation Manual

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A5000/A4000 • Chapter 4 PLAY Mode 95
Select Sample from Sample Bank
[PLAY] Button [F2] Button Knob 1 to select
This display page lets you edit sample banks, adding or
removing samples to or from a sample bank.
Knob 1
[ Turn] Page
Selects display pages.
[ Press] Tree View
Calls the Tree View display (page 83).
Knob 2
[ Turn] Sample Bank
Positions the cursor at the sample bank to be edited.
" " will appear to the right of the names of sample
banks which have been edited but not saved to disk.
" " will appear to the left of the names of samples
which are used by the currently selected program.
[ Press] FOCUS
Selects the the highlighted sample for editing.
After using knob 2 to select a sample bank and Knob
4 to select a sample, if you use Knob 5 to execute the
REMOVE command the sample will be removed
from the sample bank and will become an indepen-
dent sample. In the same way, if you use Knob 5 to
execute the ADD command the selected sample will
be added to the sample bank.
Knob 3
[ Press] SORT
The SORT function accessed by pressing Knob 3 allows
the display order of the sample names to be sorted
according to the specified conditions.
[Range] off, Name, Status&Name
off ... No sorting occurs.
Name ... The sample banks and samples are sepa-
rately sorted by name in alphabetical order.
Status&Name ... Sample banks are sorted
according to their relationship with programs,
and samples according to their relationship
with sample banks, as follows:
Sample banks are sorted so that sample
banks assigned to programs are listed first
and those which are not assigned are listed
Samples are sorted so that those assigned to
the currently selected sample bank are listed
first, unassigned samples are listed second,
and samples assigned to programs or other
sample banks are listed last.
When multiple samples or sample banks meet
the same conditions, they will be sorted by
Knob 4
[ Turn] Sample
Positions the cursor at the sample to be edited.
An " " will appear to the right of the names of sam-
ples which have been edited but not saved to disk.
" " will appear to the left of the names of samples
contained in the sample bank currently selected via
Knob 2.
" " will appear to the left of the names of samples
which are used by the currently selected program.
" " will appear to the right of names of samples
which are already being used in a sample bank or
[ Press] FOCUS
Selects the the highlighted sample for editing.
Knob 5
[ Press] REMOVE or ADD
When a sample contained in the sample bank selected
by Knob 2 is selected by Knob 4, the press function of
Knob 5 becomes REMOVE. When any other sample is
selected by Knob 4 the press function of this knob
becomes ADD.
The sample selected via Knob 4 will be removed from the
sample bank, and will become an independent sample.
The REMOVE function will only work if the sample
selected via Knob 4 is actually assigned to the sam-
ple bank selected via Knob 2.
The sample selected via Knob 4 will be added to the
sample bank selected via Knob 2.
• The ADD function will have no effect if the sample
selected via Knob 4 is already assigned to the sam-
ple bank selected via Knob 2.
If a "USED" sample is selected the "MOVE&ADD" and
"DUPLICATE&ADD" optionas become available.
The "MOVE&ADD" option the sample will be moved from
the program or sample bank to which it was previously
assigned, and added to the specified sample bank.
The "DUPLICATE&ADD" option duplicates the sample
and adds it to the specified sample bank. (The name for
each new sample becomes: original name + "*".)
Note that the A5000/A4000 does not create another
copy of the waveform data when "duplicating" the
sample. Instead, both samples access the same
waveform memory area. This means that the dupli-
cation does not consume any additional waveform
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4 Knob 5
Page Sample Bank Sample