Owner's Manual

23 ACU Pages
NetworkAmp Manager—Owner’s Manual
Mode indicator: This displays the power amplifier mode for each pair of channels: STE-
ATT fader: This fader attenuates the channel’s input signal. The numerical value below
the fader is the current attenuation setting in dB. Attenuation can also be set by clicking the
Up and Down arrow buttons, or by entering a value from the keyboard.
Phase button: This button is used to set the channel’s input signal phase: Normal or
Mute button: This button is used to mute the channel.
Output meter: This 12-segment meter displays the channel’s output level in either watts
of volts (see preference on page 8). The Present value is the current output level. The yellow
triangle indicates the warning threshold specified on the Threshold page (see page 24).
Input meter: This 12-segment meter displays the channel’s input level in dB. The Present
value is the current input level.
Temperature: This 12-segment meter displays the channel’s temperature in either centi-
grade or Fahrenheit (see preference on page 8). The Present value is the current tempera-
ture. The maximum temperature is displayed graphically by the green triangle at the right
of the meter, and numerically by the Max hold value. To reset the max hold, right-click the
meter and choose “Reset temp hold on this channel” or “Reset temp hold on all channels”
from the pop-up menu.
Load impedance: This is the channel’s load impedance. The Present value is the current
load impedance.