Owner's Manual

Control Link 36
NetworkAmp Manager—Owner’s Manual
Editing Groups
1 Choose Control Link from the View menu.
The Control Link page appears.
2 Right-click on the page and select Edit Control Link from the pop-up menu.
The Control Link Setup dialog box appears, as shown below.
3 Select a group in the Groups list.
4 To enable the group, click its check box.
The check boxes are used to enable and disable groups.
You can sort the groups by using the Move up and Move down buttons.
5 Use the Group name field to enter a name for the group.
This is the name that appears on the Control Link page.
6 Select the ACU16-C to which the power amplifier is connected in the ACU list.
The power amplifiers connected to the selected ACU16-C are displayed in the AMP list.
7 Select a power amplifier in the AMP list and click the Add [>] button.
The power amplifier is added to the group.
To add all power amplifiers, click the Add All [>>] button.
8 To remove a power amplifier from the group, select it and then click the
Remove [<] button.
To remove all power amplifiers, click the Remove All [<<] button.