Owner's Manual

Chapter 7 Detail View window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
w Fan monitor (TXn only)
This displays the rotational state and speed of the cooling fans.
The fan rotational speed is shown in % units. The rotational speed of the fan at 100% will differ according to
the amplifier.
If the fan is stopped, the fan rotation indicator will turn red. If an alert has been specified in the “Alert Setup”
dialog box, the alert indicator will also light and be recorded in the log.
As seen from the front panel of the TXn, the left fan is FAN A and the right fan is FAN B.
e Amplifier protection
This indicates that the amplifier’s protection function has operated.
When any of the following protection functions for Limiter, Mute, or Shutdown has operated, the protect
indicator will turn red. At this time, the PROTECTION indicator on the panel of the TXn itself will also
• On the XMV, the PROTECTION indicator will not turn red while the Limiter is operating.
Limiter (TXn/XMV only)
When the amp section’s heat sink temperature indication exceeds 80%, or when overcurrent occurs, the
limiter will operate to reduce the speaker output, and the Limiter indicator will light red. If an alert has
been specified in the “Alert Setup” dialog box, the alert indicator will also light and be recorded in the log
(TXn only).
• The temperature at 80% will differ between amplifiers. For details, refer to the owners manual
or reference manual of each amplifier.
• On the XMV the Limiter indicator will light red in the following situations:
• When an instantaneous input overload is detected
• When an input overload has been occurring for a specific duration
• When the heat sink of the amplifier section exceeds the allowable temperature
Fan rotation indicator Alert indicator
Rotating : green
Stopped : red
Rotating : unlit
Stopped : lit
Protection indicator Alert indicator
Normal state : green
Protected : red
Normal state : unlit
Protected : lit
Limiter indicator Alert indicator
Normal state: green
Limiting : red
Normal state : unlit
Limiting : lit