Owner's Manual

Chapter 7 Detail View window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
q Scene
Indicates the scene number and scene name.
w Amp Name
Indicates the name of the amplifier.
e [SLOT OUT] button (TXn only)
Click this button to open the “Slot Output” window.
In the “Slot Output” window you can monitor the slot output levels and the state of the output warning indica-
r [Signal Path View] button (TXn only)
Click this button to open the Signal Path View window (page 141).
t [STANDBY]/[ON] button
Monitors and controls the Standby/On status of the amplifier’s power supply.
Click the [STANDBY]/[ON] button to switch the power supply between Standby/On.
• If you switch amplifiers other than the XM/XH/XP from Standby to On, this button indicator will flash
yellow until the power to the amplifiers is turned on.
On :
Standby :
ewq rt