Owner's Manual

Chapter 10 Component editor (TXn only)
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
Link group list
This shows a list of the link groups. The link groups and the parameters, components, and amplifiers associ-
ated with the groups are shown in a hierarchical display.
You can click to select a parameter, component, or amplifier that is associated with a link group.
Link group name
By clicking the [+]/[-] symbols shown at the left of the link group name, you can show or hide the lower
levels of the link groups.
To delete a link group, select the link group name and press the <Delete> key. You can also delete a link
group by right-clicking a link group name and choosing [Delete] from the context menu.
Amplifier icon
These show the amplifiers that contain parameters/components associated with a group. You can use the
[+]/[-] symbols of an amplifier icon to show or hide components, and use a component’s [+]/[-] symbols
to show parameters, Min (minimum value), and Max (maximum values).
You can also delete the selected item from a link group by using the context menu that appears when you
right-click an amplifier, component, or parameter.
Click this to turn it on/off. You can disable Parameter Link by turning this off. You can turn on/off all
Component links by using the context menu that appears when you right-click the group name.
Here you can make settings for offset operation between parameters.
Absolute Link
With this link setting, editing any parameter in the group will set all parameters in the group to the
same value.
Relative Link
With this link setting, editing any parameter in the group will cause the other parameters to be
adjusted while maintaining their current offset.
• Relative Link cannot be specified for a Speaker Processor or for an 8 Band EQ.
For Component link, you can make these settings in a single operation by using the context menu that
appears when you right-click the group name.
Keep Offset [ON] : A parameter cannot be adjusted further once any parameter in the group
has reached its minimum or maximum value.
Keep Offset [OFF] : A parameter can be adjusted even if a parameter in the group has
reached its minimum or maximum value.