Owner's Manual

Chapter 4 Basic operations in Amp Editor
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
6. Make basic settings for the amplifier.
In the “General” tab you can make the following basic settings. For details, refer to Device Properties
window (page 127).
q Input Redundancy
Here you can make settings for a redundant connection (duplicate audio connections) that uses both
the analog input signal and the digital (slot) input signal. If the digital input audio is interrupted by a
broken connection or other problem, the amplifier can automatically switch to the analog input
(Redundant Backup), or the amplifier can automatically switch to the analog input simply when an
analog audio input signal is detected (Redundant Override).
By default, this is Off.
w Amp Mode
This specifies the amplifiers output mode (Stereo/Bridge/Parallel).
The default setting is [Stereo].
e Input Sensitivity and Amp Gain
This specifies the gain (Amp Gain) and input sensitivity (Sensitivity) for each channel. Gain and
input sensitivity settings are linked.
The default settings are “Amp Gain” [32.0 dB], “Sensitivity” [11.8 dBu] (for the Tx6n) / [10.4 dBu]
(for the Tx5n) / [9.2 dBu] (for the Tx4n).
7. Click the [Close] button to close the dialog box.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to make basic settings for the other amplifiers.
• You can copy basic settings as described in “Copying settings” (page 106).
•Gain Mode
This specifies whether the gain / input sensitivity settings will be linked between
channels A/B when the Amp Mode is Stereo.
The default setting is Link On.