Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 Main panel window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
Event log list
This shows the events that have occurred.
When you double-click on a displayed event, the “Individual Event Log” dialog box for the device that gener-
ated that event will appear, showing detailed information.
When you right-click the name indication of an item, a context menu will appear, allowing you to switch each
item between visible and hidden.
• If the same event occurs in succession, all instances will be folded into one line.
Shows an event icon and the content of the event. The event icon will be one of the following five types.
Indicates the status of the event.
This will indicate Occurred when the event occurs. When a continuing event has ended, this will indicate
Resolved. A continuing event is a continuously occurring event, such as when a parameter exceeds a spe-
cific threshold value.
Indicates the name of the device.
This shows the log ID of the event that occurred. A new ID is assigned each time a new event occurs or the
event type changes. If the same type of event occurs successively, the same ID will be assigned.
Indicates the model of the device.
Indicates the date and time that Amp Editor first received the event.
Indicates the date and time that Amp Editor last received the continuing event.
Indicates the total number of times that the same event occurred since Amp Editor was started.
: Other events
: Warning events
: Error events
: Fault events
: A continuing event has ended