Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 Main panel window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
Scene Manager
What is a scene?
Settings such as power Standby/On and muting can be named and saved for each amplifier as a “scene.” The
operation of saving a scene is called “scene store.” You can store multiple sets of parameter settings for different
situations, and recall them as necessary.
The operation of recalling a scene (to make it the current scene) is called “scene recall.” To recall a scene, use the
“Scene Manager” dialog box.
Each amplifier has one preset memory and 49 user memories. Scene #00 is a read-only scene that returns the
amplifier to its initial settings, and is specified by default in the preset memory. Scenes #01–#49 are user memo-
ries to which you can store settings.
• The XMV does not support scenes.
“Scene Manager” dialog box
To access the “Scene Manager” dialog box, click the [Device] menu command [Scene Manager], or right-click a
device icon in the workspace of the Tree View window and choose [Scene Manager] from the shortcut menu that
appears. Here you can store, recall, or edit scenes. You can edit the scene name, the protect setting, and perform
copy and paste editing.
When online, editing operations such as store/recall and rename can be performed, but operations such
as copy and paste cannot be performed.
• The “Scene Manager” dialog box does not have an [OK] button or [Cancel] button. To close the dialog
box, click the [Close] button located at the upper right of the dialog box.
• Editing operations such as storing or recalling a scene or editing the name or content are applied imme-
diately to the device.
• You can leave this dialog box opened, and make the Detail View window active to edit various settings
of the amplifier.
Scene list