Owner's Manual

Chapter 5 Main panel window
Amp Editor Owner’s Manual
[Add Item...] button
This button adds an item to the Library list. When you click the [Add Item...] button, the “Add Item” dialog
box will appear.
Library add item list
Here you can select the items that you want to add to the Library list. To select an item, add a check mark
to the check box shown at the left of the item file name.
[Browse...] button
This button lets you add an item file (extension “.ce2” or “.cep” (with security)) to the Library add item
list. When you click the [Browse...] button, a dialog box will appear, allowing you to select a file. Select
an item file, then click the [Open] button; the item will be added to the Library add item list. You can
select multiple files by holding down the [Ctrl] key or [Shift] key while making your selection.
[Add selected] button
Click this button to add the selected items to the Library list, and then close the “Add Item” dialog box.
[Cancel] button
Press this button to cancel the operation, and then close the “Add Item” dialog box.